Dec 9, 2019Moments

a good time in Bali yearsss ago, i miss it.

oops bc i look nekid.


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Snorkeling; Two Pipefish and A Blenny

Sharing some photos from when Ian and I went snorkeling in the front yard last week. March 23, 2021 -...

a little rainbow for my belly

Journal Lifestyle

Journal 3/52: Five Things To Do More

This week's journal entry about five things I want to do more. There are the obvious ones like travel, but...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

We built a blanket fort

We engineered this blanket fort with sheets, lavalavas, clothespins, binder clips, rope, and framed it all around of our couch...
Journal Lifestyle Travel

Back from a long vacation (a journal entry)

Hello and Taaaaalofa! I'm back in American Samoa now, waiting out my government mandated quarantine at the Fatu O Aiga...



Sessions: The Lelauti Family

My favorite sessions are always on the beach, and this was no exception. Photo shoot with the Lelauti family at...

Some people are exhausting. Really taking notice of how much I’m enjoying my time in isolation.

02.09.19 What a funky day it's been. I woke up early thinking I was going to go hiking, but it...
Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: A Roundup Reel + Get In My Headspace

Hi hello how are ya — I shared this round up reel on instagram which pretty much highlights my entire...

View from Canco Hill

View from Canco Hill

Saturday 2.24.18

Right before snorkeling at Gataivai

Always a classic.

Cat out of the closet


A Lazy Flag Day for Me

Flag Day is a day of cultural performances for government employees and visiting dignitaries. American Samoa dependence day, and my...
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Samu’s Ice Cream Shop – Street Photography

Now for the next stop, Samu's Ice Cream shop, where I brought my camera and shot these mostly candid photos.

Peter Pan

We'll be young forever

So thankful for my Bluesky marketing fam who still make me feel like I'm part of the team even though...
Create Lifestyle

How I make Iced Matcha Turmeric Latte at home

This iced matcha turmeric latte is perfect for if you're working from home, are quarantined/ social distancing, or if you...

Tiny waves and long weekends

I have been craaaaving days like these - bright skies and clear waters. I'm always more appreciative when I'm out...