
Feb 16, 2021Moments

Details from Ian’s barong, made just for him.


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Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

Photo Diaries

Photo Journal: January in LA

Random snaps from my first week of 2020 in Los Angeles.
Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Sun and salt

Ian and I wanted to get out of the house and move our bodies. Ian picked up our paddle boards,...

Currently; Nostalgic

It's early... like, not even 8am early... and I don't usually get on my blog until later in the evenings...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 7/52: What I’m Stressed About

It’s the beginning of a New Year, so there are loads of pressures that come with change and a new...
Create Lifestyle Moments

Belt or no belt?

To belt or not to belt? That is the question... Played around with poses and it's kinda feeling like a...

while waiting for ian at the paddling races September 21, 2019
Journal Moments

Coconut Cottage

Puerto Rico rules
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Coastweeks entertainment: Utulei Taupou Manaia

Samoan entertainment at the annual Coast Weeks event in Utulei.

Where we stayed in Ubud

This home in Ubud has everything you’d want in a vacation home and more. Our luxurious private pool villa we...

desert palms + desert rain

still not used to this — I sometimes wish I was back home in the comfort of my coconut trees...

Today's treats at Ruby Red Cafe... chia seed pudding and overnight oats topped with sooo much goodness! I'm here every...
Culture Lifestyle Moments

Palolo in American Samoa 2019

Stayed up til 3am waiting for palolo at Fatumafuti. Some people got lucky but we left the shore with empty...


DDW Breakfast with Gabs

After the beach gathering in honor of Gabs' film mentor, Gabby and I went over to DDW to grab an...
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Preparing for #PlasticFreeJuly

One of my goals for 2018 was to strive for a zero waste lifestyle, and I’ve accepted the challenge to...

Home, Outside

March has been beautiful month - watching the skies and feeling the cool breeze. Makes me want to just curl...


Red skies at night, sailor's delight.

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