Sep 20, 2019Moments

thirsty for more days like these


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Mood Board

You are the greatest project you will ever work on

I put this lil mood board together when I was in a funk about a month ago. I clearly haven't...
Meet Photography

MEET: Tilali Scanlan

Tilali is a competitive swimmer and national athlete representing American Samoa. She shares her passion for the ocean, goals, and...
Lifestyle Moments

Aunu`u Get Into Your Sanctuary Day

Early August 2019 from a work event. Get Into Your Sanctuary Aunu`u Summer Fun Day. People and places.

2018 was the year I invested in my sleep

Got a memory foam pillow with neck arch support from my sweet sister. Solved my achy neck problem. Made my...

Photo Journal | Surfing Alao

Photo journal snaps from after Meagan and Hideyo’s maternity session on the east side; we head to Alao to watch...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Up Late, Good Night Moon

Everyone’s asleep but me, and I just saw the moon going to bed behind the mountain too. It was beautiful....

My mind feels cloudy today. So today I will rest and take care of myself.

Happy belated birthday to my sister, she is a role model and my best friend since birth! Love you so...

Earth Day Wave 2021

A throwback to Earth Day — April 2021
Lifestyle Moments

Website is back up!!

Oh. My. God. Finally. My website somehow got hacked and was infected with malware and phishing codes (?!) and thus...


just a random-nothing-super-special photo of my room window sill, except I kinda love everything on there so it's pretty special

A spring tide inundation in the backyard. June 2018.

I miss weekends on the SV Tipsea. It was never our sailboat, but it always felt a little bit like...

From tumblr to wordpress

I started blogging on Tumblr. I created a personal blog to post my photography and random public journals, and I...

Treehouse reads

I just want to spend my entire day here

How I learned to be a better tourist

Pack smarter and lighter. Do a little research before the trip. Know when and when not to take photos. Treat...

Another busy weekend, but it's the last busy one for a tiny little bit while we vacation in French Polynesia!!!...