Apr 25, 2020Moments

It’s not all black and white


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What a rocker of a week. Cyclone season 2020 is really putting us through a loop.

I miss weekends on the SV Tipsea. It was never our sailboat, but it always felt a little bit like...

Making more of an effort to pick up my camera

I miss seeing myself through my own lens... Going to make more of an effort to document the in between...
Moments Photography Travel

Travel Diary: On the beach in the Dominican Republic

You wouldn’t believe how blue are the waters of Dominican Republic. My eyes floated from the shallow aquamarine hues to...
Culture Photography

2016 Samoana Jazz and Arts Festival

I love jazz and brunch—two very exceptional things on one playlist. Last year at the Samoana Jazz and Arts Festival...

Jones Turns One

Oh Jones. It's always such a wonder when you see a kid go from your friend's baby bump to a...
Create Lifestyle

4 easy tips for a sustainable home

A sustainable lifestly starts at home. These are just four little changes you can make at home that help reduce...

Gabby, Nacho, and Libre


Inspo (credit: Tumblr)
Photo Diaries Travel

Snorkeling To’aga Lagoon

Photos from a morning of snorkeling at To'aga lagoon. September 2020. Not much to say here, just let the photos...
Create Culture

Making Siapo with Fa’aSamoa Arts

What is Siapo? Siapo is an ancient Samoan art form, similar to painting, but instead the canvas is called tapa...

SESSIONS: Charity, Mee Rae, and Daniel

Sunset beach session with these bright eyed beauties, capturing two decades of Charity and Mee Rae's friendship.

How To Pack for New Zealand (2 weeks in December)

What I packed for my travels through New Zealand’s summer season.
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 9/52: Childhood Memories

Reminiscing on childhood memories really make you appreciative of where you are in life and what it took to get...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Why I decided to self-isolate

Seriously, everyone should self-isolate or practice social distancing during this time. Sharing snippets from my days in quarantine.

Sessions: Toafā Te‘o Grad Portraits

Quick snaps of this beauty, Toafā Te'o, back in May to commemorate her high school graduation. Congrats Toafā!
Culture Lifestyle

Pacific Roots Open Mic #14

Pacific Roots Open Mic #14 Last month's open mic night, hosted by Pacific Roots founder Tamiano Gurr, powered by his...
Lifestyle Wedding

We toured 7 wedding venues in Samoa. Which should I choose?!

Ooh, look at me blogging about wedding planning! I'm surprisingly really enjoying the process so far. But now to choose...
Create Sustainable Living

Easy DIY Natural Wood Butter

Keep your wood cutting boards, bowls and utensils buttery smooth with just 3 natural ingredients for an easy eco-friendly wood...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries Travel

Photo Journal: Couples Camping Trip

Found this in my drafts folder... a photo journal of camping with my husband and our friends, Traci and Ano,...