Lovin’ on the hour

Aug 10, 2019Moments


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Actually though…

ok good night! (image credit: Pinterest)

desert palms + desert rain

still not used to this — I sometimes wish I was back home in the comfort of my coconut trees...

The Boat Ride from Ofu to Ta’u, American Samoa

Early morning boat ride from Ofu to Ta'u... the lightening of the sky, soft ripples on the water, and mountains...

A throwback to January 1st, 2018. Waking up at Matareva Beach Fale.

Processed with VSCO with s3 preset

Sun kissed and puppy kisses

Basking in the warm sunrise at Coconut Point with my guy and our Yodi girl. It was almost completely flat...

Breakfast and lunch today.

Daily dive


Sleepy animals

on the balcony
Culture Photography

Pacific Roots Open Mic #19 — August 2020

Photos from the Pacific Roots Open Mic (PROM) at Sadies by the Sea in August — made possible by local...

Just the occasional phone photo dump…

Here's a pano from my last night in Ofu. Trying to finish up all my Ofu posts so bear with...

Free me into the sea

Thank the Lordddd for R&R
Culture Lifestyle Travel

Photo Diary: Aunu’u Getaway

Aunu’u is a quiet little island just 15 minutes away by ‘alia. Thank you to Peter Taliva'a for welcoming us...

Life Lately: Weekend Blurb

Weekend blurbs and random thoughts... Who sings this? Ian at Rose Atoll. I don't have my camera right now. Midnight...
Photo Diaries

BTS shell painting

Behind the scenes 'before' photos of a very large shell on canvas painting. In progress earlier this afternoon with Ian's...
Lifestyle Moments

Coco’s Picnic Party

Cheers to Colette! Styled this little picnic party with a couple girlfriends to celebrate Coco's birthday. The night air was...
Moments Photo Diaries

Sunday brunch by the water

Sunday brunching at the treehouse hammock. Ian made probably the best avo tomato toast I've ever had.

Life Lately: Sunrise haze and updates

Woke up this morning to a pastel haze outside my kitchen window. Thought I'd share this view with you, along...

 At Last party. Last Saturday.
Journal Lifestyle

JOURNAL 6/52: (Christmas) Best Thing That Happened This Week

It’s the week between two of my favorite holidays - Christmas and New Year - so it's only natural that...