Feb 27, 2023Moments

Random pic I took of Gabs in her backyard sometime last year 2022. Such a mood.


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Jones Turns One

Oh Jones. It's always such a wonder when you see a kid go from your friend's baby bump to a...

sunrise shoot with these beauties a couple weekends ago  

while waiting for ian at the paddling races September 21, 2019

We Painted the Fridge Blue

Productive Saturday - a moody sunrise, a couple hours of work, impromptu home improvement projects... oh, and we painted our...

Vaccine side effects update

Update on vaccine side effects: Last night when I was trying to go to sleep, I suddenly started feeling very...

thank you for loving me the way that you do ✨

Photo Diary: Auckland

Traveling photo diary in the "City of Sails" Auckland, New Zealand. Good vibes, our beautiful AirBnB coffee, brews, and the...

Viejo San Juan at Dawn | Travel Diary

We slept late the night before, dancing the merengue--or at least trying to, but having a blast on the town...

la best fren's first time checking out our outdoor shower. We spent our work lunch hour going for a dip......

New notebook

Trying to draw/paint/sketch more the next couple of weeks
Lifestyle Moments

Website is back up!!

Oh. My. God. Finally. My website somehow got hacked and was infected with malware and phishing codes (?!) and thus...

My bf, the fish

Photo by: Valentine Vaeoso
Lifestyle Travel

In between moments | Samoa Travel Diaries

A hop and a skip to the island we've decided we're getting married at. It was a busy trip, but...



Life Lately: January at Home

January has come and gone. But here we are - taking life day by day and toasting still to the...
Lifestyle Motherhood Photo Diaries Travel

Life Lately: 5 months of change and evolution

Helloooo there. It's meeeee. Nerelleeeee. It has been a hoot of a while — and I have missed this space...
Photo Diaries Travel

Photo Journal: LACMA

Photo journal from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) with Ian, Polly, and Rick. January 2020.
Create Lifestyle

Photo Journal: I made a duvet cover!

Last weekend, I mustered up all my creative energy and patience and got to work behind my sewing machine to make...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 3/52: Five Things To Do More

This week's journal entry about five things I want to do more. There are the obvious ones like travel, but...
Photo Diaries

Photo diaries: Utumea beach picnic

We just wanted to get out of the house to get some sun and salt on our skin, and drove...