Checking the Storm Swell

Jan 21, 2021Lifestyle, Photo Diaries

Photos are actually from February last year. Ian and I drove out to the north side to check on the swells, which were supposed to be really big. This was just before an expected cyclone. We had prepped our house for the foul weather — boarded our windows, stashed up on water and canned food, moved all our plants indoors — and while we waited for the imminent winds to pick up, we heard there was going to be huge swell from the north. We stopped by the Mafa Pass, took a few photos, and then went over to the NPS trailhead overlooking Fagasa. We could see the waves, they were huge. The boat ramp was broken, the water crashed on the coastal road and washed inland toward the houses. We decided not to drive all the way down to the village in case the roads were inundated.

It’s a year later, and the boat ramp is still broken and hasn’t been fixed.


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