Dive Log: Amalau Bay (Left side)

Jul 8, 2021Lifestyle, Photo Diaries, Photography, Travel

Two divers underwater; one diver with head just out of the frame, the other diver looks directly at camera
Female scuba diver waves at the camera

DATE: Saturday, July 3, 2021

Mountain, clear skies with few clouds, and Scuba diver's head at the surface of the ocean.

SITE: Amalau Bay, American Samoa

Two scuba divers in front of a large coral mound

DIVE BUDDIES: Ian, Lilian, Christian

Giant Porites coral in Amalau Bay



Some of the many corals we saw at Amalau Bay. All of these incredible shots by Ian.

MAX DEPTH: 63 feet

Dive log: underwater reefscape with light filtering from the surface

VISIBILITY: ~60 feet

Dive log with scuba diver swimming over a thriving reef ecosystem in American Samoa


The last time I dove at Amalau Bay was back in 2018 (see dive log here), on the right side of the bay. For this dive, we dove on the left side of the bay. I observed a lot of really beautiful things: giant Porites coral (probably one of the largest I’ve seen in all of Tutuila), plentiful fish (mostly smaller fish though), giant clams, thriving coral reef ecosystem with corals growing on top of each other, a spongy brown anemone that looks like coral at first until you touch it and it turns white and feels very soft and squishy, huge plate corals, very cool and interesting reef structures about 60 feet deep that go all the way up to about 20 feet (perfect for snorkelers), sandy bottom, a school of tiiiiny fish (I thought it was just ocean dust at first and then I noticed they all moved together in rhythm), also some dead coral, but not from bleaching.

TOTAL TIME: 63 minutes


WEATHER: 2-3 ft waves, scattered clouds, 5mph winds NE

All original photos taken by Nerelle and Ian Moffitt


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