Lavalava life

Oct 8, 2018Moments


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Journal Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Amouli Beach Camping (and Journaling)

I haven't gone camping on island since we came back earlier this year, so I was an immediate 'yes' when...

Mt. Matafao. My current favorite landscape photo. Isn't it just so majestic?
Culture Lifestyle

Pacific Roots Open Mic #12

It's been over a year since the last Pacific Roots Open Mic. Fresh new talents got up and spilled their...

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 1

Part 1: Spontaneously decided to take a drive around the island in the back of the truck… because if you...

Free me into the sea

Thank the Lordddd for R&R
Create Journal

Creative Journal Log

Journal spread from this past weekend. I've been having so much fun doing these daily creative journals. See more of...
Lifestyle Travel

Coronavirus and travel to American Samoa (updated)

UPDATED March 9, 2020 YAY they updated the travel advisory yesterday!!! No more mandatory 14-day quarantine in Hawai`i from the...

Hearts day

We played some silly games at my church's Hearts Day banquet, and Ian and I won King and Queen of...

It's the heart in the sky for me.
Lifestyle Moments

Green Goodness

Re-growing green onions in water. Staying hyped up and motivated with matcha green tea.



Don’t Litter


We made it to Bali! | Day 1 in Uluwatu

We're in Bali, baby!!! Starting with the laid back surfer town of Uluwatu. Clifftop cabin, Suluban beach sunset, and riding...

Teuila vibes

Journal Moments

Coconut Cottage

Puerto Rico rules

The cutest package came in from Love Audry Rose.

kind of just want to go home and play in the studio

How I learned to be a better tourist

Pack smarter and lighter. Do a little research before the trip. Know when and when not to take photos. Treat...

Peter Pan

We'll be young forever

yay another weekend

Woohoo! Another restful weekend for me. It's only Saturday morning, and I'm just so happy to know the weekend is...