What you do when no one is looking, that is your lifestyle
Dive Log: Birthday Out West at Nua-Seetaga Bay

Dive Log: Birthday Out West at Nua-Seetaga Bay

For my birthday this year, all I wanted to do was go scuba diving at a new dive site. My darling Ian got a small group of friends together and we headed west to Nua-Se’etaga Bay for a dive, and to hang out for a lovely arvo.

26th. Always Grateful.

26th. Always Grateful.

Before today ends, I just want to share how incredibly grateful I am for these 26 years of living. This birthday weekend has been absolutely exceptional!

Coco’s Picnic Party

Coco’s Picnic Party

Cheers to Colette! Styled this little picnic party with a couple girlfriends to celebrate Coco’s birthday. The night air was cool and breezy, and we feasted on apps and this magnificent view!
Always love a little girl time <3

Zero Waste Kit for Beginners

Zero Waste Kit for Beginners

Have you heard of Zero Waste? There are a lot of reasons to consider going zero waste. For me, it’s because I have always been interested in all matters of going green, recycling, and sustainable living, but putting it into practice daily is the challenge.

Why I started Moments

Why I started Moments

To bring back the good old Tumblr vibes. To record the little snippets of life. To keep me writing candidly (without feeling the need to edit myself so much). To keep my blog more active. To share my favorite little memories. To get photos off my camera roll. To express myself. To revisit later on. To remember.

My Cyclone Evac Kit List

My Cyclone Evac Kit List

Before Cyclone Gita hit American Samoa, I made a list of what I packed in my Deuter bag to prepare for the worst. It’s my evacuation kit of essentials.

Cyclone Gita Aftermath

Cyclone Gita Aftermath

Cyclone Gita impacted our shores early Friday morning on February 9th. A cyclone watch was issued just the day before, then a warning later in the night – and then it hit us. So I think it’s safe to say that we weren’t all that ready for Gita’s wrath.