My mom always told me, simplicity is beauty. And after all these years, I’m applying that nugget of wisdom to my armpits… you heard right!
Did I ever tell you that I went a whole month *without* deodorant?
Yeah, probably not what my mom meant.
The story goes, that back in December 2017 I ran out of Old Spice Wolfthorn deodorant (which I am unashamed to say I used and shared with my boyfriend lol). And I already had planned that when it ran out, I would switch to a natural product.
At this point I was already taking baby steps to a more sustainable lifestyle, so in the process, I did a full on natural detox.
No deodorant for a month.
I was constantly nervous about my B.O. and the stress sweat struggle is real you guys. I started using lime slices to deodorize naturally (this works wonders!). So if you ever decide to switch to a natural deodorant, the first step is to expel all those harmful chemicals you’ve been soaking in through your pits for a month.
During my detox, I tried looking for natural deodorants to purchase and got a couple of recommendations from friends on different brands to try. But after reading some reviews about baking soda rashes and a double take on the price range of organic options, I turned to a more DIY approach.
DIY Natural Organic Deodorant

– Natural Shea Butter
– Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
– Bees Wax Pellets
– Essential Oils (for fragrance)
– Arrowroot Powder
– Baking Soda
– Glass OR ceramic mixing bowls (or Double Broiler)
– Measuring cups
– Clean old deodorant container
Fill 1 bowl with boiled water and place another bowl on top, to use as a double broiler (If you have a double broiler, you can just use that! Or you can use a glass or ceramic bowl that fits over a small pot. This was my makeshift double broiler).

Add 2 tablespoons of arrowroot powder. This creates a more solid consistency.

My own personal and biased review? I love it!
My boyfriend also loves it ~ yes, we still share deodorant lol.
But really though, it works great!
The Pros: it’s made with completely natural organic products. It smells amazing. It doesn’t stain clothes, and it keeps me smelling fresh for the day.
The Cons: the consistency is a little stickier than I had hoped, but a simple solution is to just dab it on and rub it in. A little goes a long way.
An Alternative: I actually really liked using lemon slices on my armpits. I still use it every other day when we have lemons or limes.
The key takeaway here is that switching to a natural deodorant is a brilliant idea and it’s super simple to do yourself and it’s great for your health and the environment!
Thanks for reading!