Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

Dec 25, 2019Moments


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Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Burnt out but still going

Been a hottt lil minute since I had a chance to get on here and share a life update. BURNT...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Pondering on Paper

...outside in nature. I love soaking up the ambient sounds of home. I will forever love this backyard. * turn...
Create Lifestyle Wedding

Homemade Wedding Table (Progress Pics)

In the weeks leading up to our mini home wedding, we decided to DIY this 10-foot wooden table for our...
Mood Board

Mood Board

I'm starting a new category on my website, filed under "Mood Board", where I will be sharing things from around...

Bubbles babe

Hahah found this really cute photo from my iphone camera roll way back in June 2018. I don't even remember...
Lifestyle Motherhood Photo Diaries Travel

Life Lately: 5 months of change and evolution

Helloooo there. It's meeeee. Nerelleeeee. It has been a hoot of a while — and I have missed this space...

I adore my niece and nephew. And I adore that my husband is adored by my niece and nephew.


Moments Motherhood

34.2 weeks

a special day together — deep and difficult conversations about our future buying plants for our temporary space visited a...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Settling, social media, and snaps

Thoughts on settling and social media comparison in the time of COVID, and phone snaps from my week at home...

Beach Picnic Essentials

Reusable water bottle microfiber towel picnic blanket book hat / visor reef safe sunblock moisturizer tote bag iphone with LifeProof...

Fagatogo Iseula O Le Moana III


Got home this evening and found myself feeling stuck. I'm not entirely sure why, because I'm actually looking forward to...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Improve within by being outside

Some days, it's a struggle to do more than the minimum. But remind yourself that sometimes, that's exactly just what...
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Around Pago Plaza – Street Photography

The next stop on Gabby's errands was a visit to Pago Plaza. I snapped these photos, and actually I love...

Went diving this weekend

And so cool because at 72 minutes, it was my longest dive yet! We went with Hanae and JB (his...

TEDx Pago Pago

Shout out to the best ice cream shop on the island, Samu's Ice Cream! Thanks for sponsoring us :) Rad...

my handsome fiance driving on the other side of the road
Lifestyle Travel

Snorkeling in Ofu | Part 3

A late addition, but I almost completely forgot about these photos I snapped on my last day in Ofu. Taken...