Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

Dec 25, 2019Moments


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What a lovely thing it is to write freely and without consequence

Just ordered our wedding invitations! So excited to get them in the mail, write out our little notes to everyone,...
Create Journal

Creative Journal Log

Journal spread from this past weekend. I've been having so much fun doing these daily creative journals. See more of...

Adding space

Ian's new tools already coming in clutch! Tonight he put up this long shelf that spans the entire wall in...

Life Lately: Diving More (+ New Job, New Hair)

A hectic season of growth... Diving every weekend, my short (again) hair, and my new job! Still working on finding...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

26 Lessons I’ve Learned in 26 Years

Oh, Life is a strange and wonderful thing, isn't it? It's a funny teacher, that's for sure! And in my...

new (love) couch

love seat. lovingggg our new couch, and on each other. if this is adulting, i am here for it.
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Preparing for #PlasticFreeJuly

One of my goals for 2018 was to strive for a zero waste lifestyle, and I’ve accepted the challenge to...

Finally doing it

27 JAN 2016 It has been a goal of mine to create my own website for the past couple of years....

Processed with VSCO with kk1 preset

Not cute

but this is real life hermit crab homebody vibes in pregnancy. I spent this entire day at home just eating,...

Processed with VSCO with s3 preset

Raffia tote by me!

My newest project is complete! Here are a few pictures from when I completed the tote part and was super...

Another French Polynesia sailing photo blog

Ah French Polynesia... you gave us so many great memories. Here's yet another photo blog from our sailing adventures on...

Can you spot the kitty?

Love days like these

The day that my GIYS video went live on Facebook and I co-hosted the live screening and Q&A on GoToWebinar......

Lifestyle Travel

The first taste of travel

I'm a pisces, and I guess one of the traits my star sign is known for is that pisces can...
Photo Diaries Photography

Afternoon at Fogama’a

Photo journal from earlier this year. A very lovely afternoon spent at Fogama'a Cove with friends. We sat in the...
Create Sustainable Living

CREATE: DIY Natural Turmeric Dye at Home

How I made a DIY natural dye at home using turmeric powder, water and vinegar on an old off-white linen...