Peter Pan

Feb 28, 2018Moments

We’ll be young forever


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Halloween 2020

A very very last minute Star Wars costume but I loved it. We were actually having a very productive wedding...

Ian's got the best laugh
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Why I decided to self-isolate

Seriously, everyone should self-isolate or practice social distancing during this time. Sharing snippets from my days in quarantine.

Cheat Day

Do you really need one? Indulging in a Banana split sundae with Koko samoa brownie base, coffee and vanilla ice...

Snorkeling in chop | French Polynesia sailing blog

Snorkeling in this chop. Photos taken on a Go Pro Hero 3 by Ian and Nerelle. Leeward islands, French Polynesia. Summer...

yesterday we went out on the boat for the annual whale surveys conducted by Dr. Jooke and Dave Mattila. Unfortunately...

Just the occasional phone photo dump…

Here's a pano from my last night in Ofu. Trying to finish up all my Ofu posts so bear with...

Underwater Gataivai

A photo diary underwater in Gataivai

Looking surprisingly fresh today even after speed walking back to the hotel from the Papee'ete Marche and Tahiti Pearl Market...

FOR LEMAX CO. — Shopping in Style

Photos for LeMax Co. — a little look at some of the styles you can find in the shop with...
Create Lifestyle Sustainable Living

CREATE: DIY Natural Organic Deodorant

My mom always told me, simplicity is beauty. And after all these years, I’m applying that nugget of wisdom to...

Captain Relly


Sunday Fun Day: Tidepools and Whale Watching

Not much to do on Sundays, except for jumping into tidepools, snorkeling at the beach, and whale watching with friends....
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Saving money during coronavirus frenzy

The coronavirus is causing catastrophe across the world... on the vein of financial impacts, I’ve luckily been able to save...
Moments Photo Diaries

friday evening in 10 seconds


Sessions: Mareike (island style) – Part 2

Part 2 session with Mareike. This beautiful woman's love for the ocean has taken her all over the world, drifting...

I’d rather be here


Two more sleeps until I get to kiss this handsome face again
Moments Photo Diaries


the hue of home

Oatmeal power bowl

I just learned how to make this during quarantine, and I don't know what took me so long to learn...