Quarantine Diaries: Keep calm and stay 6 feet away

Mar 29, 2020Lifestyle, Photo Diaries

How to keep calm and socially distant


Make food, and make it pretty. Wash hands.

Eat and enjoy it. Wash hands.

Spend time with fur babies. Wash hands.

Get fresh air. Wash hands.

Let the sun in. Wash hands.

Go for a drive. Wash hands.

Put on a face mask. Wash hands.

Buy materials for home projects. Wash hands.

Go home. Wash hands.

Make something. Wash hands.



  1. stephanievainer

    Okay I love your outfit! It looks comfy but still put together. Hope your keeping safe and sane.

    Stephanie | SPV Living

    • nerelle

      Aw thank you so much. It’s been a “shirt and shorts” type of quarantine but I’m thoroughly enjoying it. I also hope you’re happy and healthy wherever in the world you are!



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