hi hello how are you

Sunset picnic at the park in Raiatea

Sunset picnic at the park in Raiatea

Our first night in Raiatea. We had just flown in, got a car rental, checked in to our homestay, got groceries at the market, then stopped at this nearby park and ate our grocery store dinner on the rocks watching the sailboats and canoes go by, in front of little motus and a darkening sky.

Moving us and our food to the sailboat

Moving us and our food to the sailboat

The day we packed all our bags and provisionings for move in day to the sailboat. I kept laughing over how we packed the compact car completely full of stuff, including ourselves!

Bless Monday holidays. Exploring my home like a tourist because all the shops and the museum are actually open on my day off!

 At Last party. Last Saturday.