Vaccine side effects update

Feb 4, 2021Moments

Update on vaccine side effects:

Last night when I was trying to go to sleep, I suddenly started feeling very cold and feverish. My body aches all over and I could barely sleep because my arm was super sensitive and my whole body hurt. I woke up feeling like crap, and downed two glasses of water and Emergen-C. I heard that this was going to happen after the second dose. Ian looked it up and it said it should pass within 24 to 36 hours so I’m trying to just rest. Luckily Ian isn’t feeling these side effects so he’s at work, but I just want to curl up and sleep it off.

This pic was actually from September 2020 but this is basically what I look like right now too, laying in bed using my lap desk to do some work while trying to stay comfortable.


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