Jan 13, 2016Uncategorized


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Create Culture

Making Siapo with Fa’aSamoa Arts

What is Siapo? Siapo is an ancient Samoan art form, similar to painting, but instead the canvas is called tapa...

Gabby, Nacho, and Libre

Create Lifestyle

CREATE: Not So Typical DIY Christmas

Didn’t want to spend too much on holiday decorations, so here are just a few DIY Christmas ideas that you...

Just ordered our wedding invitations! So excited to get them in the mail, write out our little notes to everyone,...

So much to upload

So little time. Forgot about this session with Mareike that I need to post! There were so many good moments.

Currently; Nostalgic

It's early... like, not even 8am early... and I don't usually get on my blog until later in the evenings...
Lifestyle Travel

Guest post: Ian’s trip to Ofu, Manu`a

This is Ian, and I'll be doing my very first guest appearance on Relli's epic blog! Inside look at Toaga...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Saving money during coronavirus frenzy

The coronavirus is causing catastrophe across the world... on the vein of financial impacts, I’ve luckily been able to save...
Lifestyle Motherhood Photo Diaries

Maternity shoot x Alafaga

My best friend gifted me with some of the best memories as a soon to be mama. I’ll always look...


Life Lately: Weekend Blurb

Weekend blurbs and random thoughts... Who sings this? Ian at Rose Atoll. I don't have my camera right now. Midnight...

Babbling: Almost 25

I turn 25 in a month and I’m scrambling to cross off some personal goals one by one that I wrote...
Photo Diaries

Scruff in the yellow sun

Some pics I took one evening in October while Officer Scruffles sat perched on the railing looking like a cute...

A throwback to January 1st, 2018. Waking up at Matareva Beach Fale.

I miss weekends on the SV Tipsea. It was never our sailboat, but it always felt a little bit like...
Meet Photography

MEET: Kau‘ilani Misipeka

Loves her family, turtles, and staying active — and shares what a typical day looks like for her at Coconut...

Sailing in Oxnard, California

Rick chartered a 34' sailboat called the SV Emmanuel. We started at the Channel Islands Harbor marina, and I got...

Swimming in the rain

A couple of weeks ago, swimming in the rain with Gabby. It was nipply cold!

A Little Big Island Adventure

Went with a group of friends on a little adventure... scratch that, it was a BIG island adventure. Something we’ve...
Moments Photo Diaries

Sunset casa

The casa basking in the golden glow of sunset — my favorite time of day at home. No filter needed....