Sep 20, 2019Moments

my room in the downstairs apartment 4 years ago.


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Sessions: Monica and Setefano

A memorable photo session with Monica and Setefano for their senior prom. I would totally vote them as cutest couple...

Fagalua camping with my girls


Details from Ian's barong, made just for him.

From tumblr to wordpress

I started blogging on Tumblr. I created a personal blog to post my photography and random public journals, and I...

Old journals

They make me feel so many emotions. Emotions that I didn't even realize I felt at the time of writing...

Looking surprisingly fresh today even after speed walking back to the hotel from the Papee'ete Marche and Tahiti Pearl Market...

Last weekend high tide fun
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Coming out of quarantine, social distancing still

We are officially done with our mandatory 14-day medical home quarantine! We can finally leave the house, still remaining socially...

All I want is a wild love and a curious life

And I am so grateful to have both This was me at "work" today 🤗 Got to go to Fagatele...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Checking the Storm Swell

Ian and I drove out to the north side to check on the swells, which were supposed to be really...
Lifestyle Moments Wedding

We decided on a wedding destination!

We've decided: Samoa is close enough to American Samoa that it feels like home, yet feels like a getaway. And...

la best fren's first time checking out our outdoor shower. We spent our work lunch hour going for a dip......
Lifestyle Travel

Sailing again and getting seasick

Round 2 of sailing adventures in California! A sunny day out at King Harbor Marina, catching good wind and then...
Lifestyle Travel

EV Nautilus photo journal pt. 1 | Deep sea exploration in American Samoa

A long overdue photo journal on the EV Nautilus a few months ago, and I am incredibly stoked to say...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Burnt out but still going

Been a hottt lil minute since I had a chance to get on here and share a life update. BURNT...

Wake me up in the morning with a kiss. I’ll smile back at you with my eyes still closed because...

I thought this was funny because I was taking an instagram story when suddenly Ian comes over and picks me...
Lifestyle Travel

Coronavirus and travel to American Samoa (updated)

UPDATED March 9, 2020 YAY they updated the travel advisory yesterday!!! No more mandatory 14-day quarantine in Hawai`i from the...
Create Lifestyle Sustainable Living

CREATE: DIY Natural Organic Deodorant

My mom always told me, simplicity is beauty. And after all these years, I’m applying that nugget of wisdom to...

Snorkeling with Yodi