Treehouse reads

Apr 13, 2018Moments

I just want to spend my entire day here


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Valentine’s Morning

He tried to surprise me with breakfast in bed but I woke up early lol. What a lovely way to...

Bluesky’s 20th birthday bash

Utulei Beach Park, American Samoa.


Lifestyle Photo Diaries Travel

Hiking an old historic Mt. Alava trail

The hike was pretty hard, but we went slow, enjoying the breeze, and admiring the plants. I'm excited to learn...

Treehouse reads

I just want to spend my entire day here
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Sleepy sleepy

On Sunday morning, I felt so fatigued from the DIY project my husband and I started the day before; but...
Mood Board

Inspiration in the midst of chaos

Life has been busy, and there has been some moments of reprieve, surely. BUT it's about to get a lot...

Oh Starry Night

Something so serene about lying in the dark looking up at nature's night lights... We laid in the back of...

Scenes from the 2019 AS Flag Day parade | Part 1

Photo journal of scenes from the American Samoa Flag Day parade on April 17, 2019 at the Tafuna Veteran's Memorial...

Processed with VSCO with s3 preset
Journal Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Weekend Reel — Paddling in the Lagoon

It was a sunny day in mid-May. I had gotten up early and was feeling restless. I cleared the drying...

Bless Monday holidays. Exploring my home like a tourist because all the shops and the museum are actually open on...

TGIF Christmas Weekend

TGIF! And that feeling you get when you get off work, it's Friday, and you're SO looking forward to the...
Lifestyle Travel

From To’aga Road to Asaga Strait | Ofu Photo Journal

A little trip to Asaga Strait where a bridge connects the islands of Ofu and Olosega. I can’t help but...

Some days are extra guud


Labadan Wedding

A short and sweet wedding. The bride and groom are now happily married with a baby on the way. Congratulations...

LOVE to love you

Felt so LOVED on my 29th birthday.

Excerpts from a Chill Christmas Eve

An excerpt of my Christmas Eve photo diary. Breakfast, north winds, advent gifts, chores, SUP with Yodi, groceries & gift wrap,...

pool day for Ian. Just him though because it’s much too cold for regular non-polar bear people lol

Even just 20 minutes of vacation is so good for the soul