Captain Relly

Aug 3, 2018Moments


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Honeymoon Me in Ofu, by Ian

First day on honeymoon. Ian took some pics of me and using our new underwater camera! He's become really good...


Clothing swaps are a fun way to reduce, reuse and recycle! We all got together for a yummy mix of breakfast...

Labadan Wedding

A short and sweet wedding. The bride and groom are now happily married with a baby on the way. Congratulations...

Morning 1.28.19


just a random-nothing-super-special photo of my room window sill, except I kinda love everything on there so it's pretty special

Pacific Roots Open Mic

Post open mic night pics with friends. January 2020 photos from Alafaga.

The Treehouse

Where Ian and I first met, where we live, and where we got married. Feeling so much love.

A visit to Jean P. Haydon Museum in American Samoa

A day off work and a cruise ship in town, so we decided to play tourist and finally visit our...
Lifestyle Travel

Field of Lavender Dreams: NZ Road Trip Day 1

On the road on NYE embarking on a 5 day roaadtrip through sheep, mountains, glacial rivers, and my favorite--pockets of...


Life Lately: Destination Weddings mean Travel More

Two destination weddings in two weeks! Traveling soon, but here are some updates on my work life, personal life, and...
Lifestyle Travel

Fast kine in Hawai’i

Only 2 short days in Hawaii... bodysurfing with kids at Hukilau beach, picnicking under the stars outside of a Jack...

Safe travels, mom and dad! Love you both so much. How cute are my parents, on their way to Myanmar...

Made it to Tahiti


Puerto Rico with one of my favorite power couples, Eli and Victoria. This was such a lovely trip <3 May...
Journal Photo Diaries

Dad turns 60!

Celebrating my dad's birthday, and feeling exceptionally blessed that our family can still find our health and safety intact.
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Nu‘uuli Waterfall

Part II: Snaps from a couple of weeks ago at Nu‘uuli waterfall. I tagged along with Gabby (Alafaga Creative Media)...

Wake me up in the morning with a kiss. I’ll smile back at you with my eyes still closed because...

Naked produce bins!!

Pretty excited that Costuless finally implemented bins with loose produce, reducing plastic!