Nov 30, 2022Moments

mama and dada


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pool day for Ian. Just him though because it’s much too cold for regular non-polar bear people lol

Sunset streaming in through the front door, and a hungry Officer Scruffles meowing for dinner to be served. July 27,...

Sunset shadows

A little evening light reprise, after many days of clouds.
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Fagatogo Fish Market – Street Photography

I braved the stares from strangers and brought my camera with me on errands... first stop, the Fagatogo Fish Market!

chico bonito. cutie patootie. i love youie.
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 11/52: Current Playlist

It's been too long since I made a playlist. My iPod - which contained pretty much all my music was...

What a rocker of a week. Cyclone season 2020 is really putting us through a loop.

Mt. Matafao. My current favorite landscape photo. Isn't it just so majestic?

Ian made me soup and got me all cozied up in bed when I was sick a few weeks ago.

Sunset dates out west

We love spontaneous date nights around the island. I don't always take my camera on date nights, but when I...

pc: Gabby from our anniversary camping trip last year
Culture Lifestyle

P.R.O.M. at Sadies by the Sea

Pacific Roots Open Mic (P.R.O.M.) on July 31, 2020. Organized by Tamiano Gurr and Traci Porotesano. Host venue at Sadies...

Fun “Office” Day at Fagatele Bay

A fun "office" day at Fagatele Bay with the NMSAS science team. I absoltely love when I'm able to get...

Aunty Files: Babysitting

My entire week in Arizona was mostly spent babysitting these cuties. Finally bonding over a longer period of time so...

Sunset picnic at the park in Raiatea

Our first night in Raiatea. We had just flown in, got a car rental, checked in to our homestay, got...



I have been feeling so tired the last couple of weeks. So mentally and sort of physically drained. I have...
Lifestyle Travel

Guest post: Ian’s trip to Ofu, Manu`a

This is Ian, and I'll be doing my very first guest appearance on Relli's epic blog! Inside look at Toaga...

DIY Upcycled Tahiti-Inspired 2-Piece Outfit

My best friend was doing a closet clean out, and this bright red puletasi skirt stuck out among the pile,...
Lifestyle Travel

The first taste of travel

I'm a pisces, and I guess one of the traits my star sign is known for is that pisces can...