Cat out of the closet

Mar 1, 2018Moments


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Saving money during coronavirus frenzy

The coronavirus is causing catastrophe across the world... on the vein of financial impacts, I’ve luckily been able to save...
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Earth Day every day

Snapped these moments here at home right before Ian and I did a quick beach cleanup as our act of...

my handsome fiance driving on the other side of the road
Moments Motherhood

Babymoon camera roll

I’m reliving these precious moments and memories from my babymoon. Slowing down the pace, and breathing in, and out. Letting...

The sunsets this weekend

The sunsets this weekend lit up my life
Moments Photo Diaries

sunset, happy hour, dominoes

The sun finally peeking through all the gray from this week. Sunset, happy hour, and dominoes on the balcony with...
Lifestyle Travel

Snorkeling in Ofu – Part 2

More underwater living treasures photographed while snorkeling in the shallows of To'aga lagoon during low tide. Ichthyologists, please chime in!

MEET: Manufanua Thomas

Meet Manufanua Thomas. Malaeloa native, WSU educated. Collaborator on Humans of American Samoa, and self trained artist.

Back in Tahiti and shopping for pearls

Back in Tahiti after our 5-day sailing adventure. Shopping at the Pape'ete Marche and the Tahiti Pearl Market, and catching...

Life Lately: Travel Updates Coming Soon

What a crazy amazing past couple of weeks! Ian and I have been traveling around every few days which is...

caught off guard - I don't even remember why we were out this night lol

Love you bubby

Some people are exhausting. Really taking notice of how much I’m enjoying my time in isolation.

Daddy and zaddy bonding

Today's treats at Ruby Red Cafe... chia seed pudding and overnight oats topped with sooo much goodness! I'm here every...

Much better

Woke up feeling so much better today! A little sore but I shook and stretched out the aches, and downed...
Lifestyle Wedding

We toured 7 wedding venues in Samoa. Which should I choose?!

Ooh, look at me blogging about wedding planning! I'm surprisingly really enjoying the process so far. But now to choose...

His feet are so cute. Look at those clean toenails. I wonder who his lady is lololol

chico bonito. cutie patootie. i love youie.
Moments Photo Diaries

Sunday brunch by the water

Sunday brunching at the treehouse hammock. Ian made probably the best avo tomato toast I've ever had.