Red ginger

Aug 13, 2018Moments


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Create Lifestyle

My website has a new look!

It's taken me ages to design something that I feel is representative of my aesthetic, and I'm excited to share...

So much to upload

So little time. Forgot about this session with Mareike that I need to post! There were so many good moments.
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Photo documenting the silver linings of my life in the time of COVID

Despite the harsh reality of what's happening around the world, these little snippets are my silver linings that keep me...

Love it when my work days look like this

A couple weeks ago at Fagatele Bay, a new "Class III" scientific buoy was deployed - the highest level of...

LIFE: This is MY Blog

Life is happening. I have been contemplating whether I should post my personal life stories on my blog, or whether...

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 1

Part 1: Spontaneously decided to take a drive around the island in the back of the truck… because if you...

Splish splash

This time last year

Our trip to Samoa. And in less than a week, we're going back!

The day that my GIYS video went live on Facebook and I co-hosted the live screening and Q&A on GoToWebinar......
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 8/52: Influential Books

Books are sentimental objects of knowledge and nostalgia for me. And these 3 come to mind as being most influential...
Mood Board

You are the greatest project you will ever work on

I put this lil mood board together when I was in a funk about a month ago. I clearly haven't...

WE’RE ENGAGED!! – The Proposal Story

It happened just as the sun was setting on Friday, May 24th... A day, I'll never forget. The proposal story...

Always a classic.
Photo Diaries

BTS shell painting

Behind the scenes 'before' photos of a very large shell on canvas painting. In progress earlier this afternoon with Ian's...

I adore my niece and nephew. And I adore that my husband is adored by my niece and nephew.
Photo Diaries

Retrieving Data Sensors in Ofu with NPS

Sensor retrieval in the Ofu Lagoon with my husband, Ranger Moffitt :) He did all the work while I snorkeled...

Photos by the bestie Alafaga, during a shoot I tagged along on. Also, I made this top just the night...

Daddy and zaddy bonding

Another busy weekend, but it's the last busy one for a tiny little bit while we vacation in French Polynesia!!!...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Golden hour reflections

Today is the first time I've felt really just crappy since I started home quarantine. It's also day 14, my...