what mondays feel like

Sep 29, 2019Moments


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Scenes from the 2019 AS Flag Day parade | Part 1

Photo journal of scenes from the American Samoa Flag Day parade on April 17, 2019 at the Tafuna Veteran's Memorial...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Up Late, Good Night Moon

Everyone’s asleep but me, and I just saw the moon going to bed behind the mountain too. It was beautiful....
Photo Diaries Travel

Snorkeling To’aga Lagoon

Photos from a morning of snorkeling at To'aga lagoon. September 2020. Not much to say here, just let the photos...

LIFE: Summer Date Night

Friday night "you me, me you" time with my favorite person in the world. Now that we're mobile, we can...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

26 Lessons I’ve Learned in 26 Years

Oh, Life is a strange and wonderful thing, isn't it? It's a funny teacher, that's for sure! And in my...

On the cusp of something new and beautiful

Grateful for this man, our baby on the way, and the journey that led us to here.

Last night, I asked my neighbor's 7 year old daughter "T" if she remembered my name, and this is what...
Create Sustainable Living

Upcycling scrap fabric for closet portière

Now that our home office is set up, I wanted to hide all our junk in the closet, so I...
Create Lifestyle Moments

In a creative funk and how I cope

As a creative, I find myself in a funk more often than I want to admit. I question myself and...

He made it all happen

Ok so I didn't realize it until probably Sunday night, but Ian actually read my post from last week (8...

Sessions: Mareike (island style) – Part 2

Part 2 session with Mareike. This beautiful woman's love for the ocean has taken her all over the world, drifting...

Adding space

Ian's new tools already coming in clutch! Tonight he put up this long shelf that spans the entire wall in...

LIFE: Scuba diving Hole in the Reef and travel plans

Scuba diving at Hole in the Reef, and my BCD broke!! Summer 2017 travel has been booked. And hosting travel...



Power outage

We could hear our neighbors' kids playing igave'a (hide and seek) in the dark, giggling and scurrying around the property...
Lifestyle Travel

Auckland Travel Journal

Three days of misadventures in Auckland with my photogenic fiance... Basically just a long layover until our next trip to...

pool day for Ian. Just him though because it’s much too cold for regular non-polar bear people lol
Lifestyle Motherhood

Giant Clams are GIANT

A gallery from our babymoon excursion to Savaia, Samoa, where they have a giant clam sanctuary. Ian and I always...

Can you spot the kitty?

Love days like these