Jan 26, 2020Moments

The man of my dreams just turned 29 ✨

Love to love you, old man baby boy.


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Da crew – camping at Maloata


It’s going to be a wet one

We're hunkering down at home... Storm-proofing our house, and preparing for 1-2 possible cyclones that will be rolling in over...
Lifestyle Moments Wedding

We decided on a wedding destination!

We've decided: Samoa is close enough to American Samoa that it feels like home, yet feels like a getaway. And...

my handsome fiance driving on the other side of the road

Whether the Weather

There's a storm brewing this week. We're hunkering down to wait out this monsoonal trough and moved our plants indoors....
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Around Pago Plaza – Street Photography

The next stop on Gabby's errands was a visit to Pago Plaza. I snapped these photos, and actually I love...

Fun “Office” Day at Fagatele Bay

A fun "office" day at Fagatele Bay with the NMSAS science team. I absoltely love when I'm able to get...

The trash we picked up on the beach and along the way back. Excited for another year taking on the...

Bubbles babe

Hahah found this really cute photo from my iphone camera roll way back in June 2018. I don't even remember...
Meet Photography

MEET: Kau‘ilani Misipeka

Loves her family, turtles, and staying active — and shares what a typical day looks like for her at Coconut...

The smell of Moso`oi

I can smell it just looking at this... IYKYK

One of those back-of-the-pick-up-truck-sunset-chasing-date-nights <3

1st PROM Showcase Art + Prep

BTS the evening before the 1st Pacific Roots Open Mic (PROM) Showcase from back in Octoboer.

It's 11pm. I've been editing photos for the past 5 hours. And my eyelids are fighting sleep. I used to...
Moments Travel

Motu Mahaea (Taha’a): French Polynesia Photo Journals

Photo journal from this idyllic motu (island) just off Taha'a on July 1, 2019. We sailed there and anchored in...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries Travel

Photo Journal: Couples Camping Trip

Found this in my drafts folder... a photo journal of camping with my husband and our friends, Traci and Ano,...

Hangin' with Libre at Gabby's house.

SESSIONS: JereMia is expecting!

Over 2 sessions late last year, I got to watch Jeremy and Mia's (here dubbed "JereMia") little family grow with...

How I lost my phone at Nu’uuli waterfall

I went to Nu'uuli waterfall over the weekend with some friends and brought Yodi along too. It was going to be...
Lifestyle Travel

Documenting Underwater Field Work in Ta’u

Just wanted to share some photos from back in March, when I went to the Manu'a islands to document marine...