30 seconds of today

Apr 6, 2020Lifestyle, Moments, Photo Diaries

Playing around with different mediums to blog/vlog my life.

Video snippets from this slow and relaxing evening — post-swim, high tide, and making dinner.

I’m really enjoying being so active on the blog journal!

Any ideas on what else I should blog about? Leave me a comment 🙂

virtual x’s and o’s,



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Lifestyle Sustainable Living

My Plastic Free July Goals and Expectations

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new (love) couch

love seat. lovingggg our new couch, and on each other. if this is adulting, i am here for it.

Officer Scruffles hasn’t a care in the world

My furbaby. The older he gets, the more naps he takes. I kinda love it.

Can you spot the kitty?

Love days like these

Bluesky’s 20th birthday bash

Utulei Beach Park, American Samoa.

One of those back-of-the-pick-up-truck-sunset-chasing-date-nights <3

Today’s mood

Need to get back in the water already.

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Sleepy Scruff

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I’d rather be here



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Favorite things recently that have to do with the ocean

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Finally doing it

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