Jan 12, 2016Uncategorized


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Sunset picnic at the park in Raiatea

Our first night in Raiatea. We had just flown in, got a car rental, checked in to our homestay, got...

Processed with VSCO with kk1 preset

Yodi’s Waterfall Adventure

Yodi has always been comfortable in the water. Since she was a pup, she's grown up playing in the ocean....

Drippin’ in finesse

Photography Travel

When Two Worlds Collide: Elaine and Fernando Coura

Last weekend, Saturday May 12th, was a day for the cosmos. Two bright young worlds collided, and became one. She's...

Got home this evening and found myself feeling stuck. I'm not entirely sure why, because I'm actually looking forward to...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Balance and making time to blog for myself

I'm here and there these days. Lots of busy-ness, even in this small island life. Looked through some old posts...

More Show, Less Tell

"My vibe right now is just living life" Made this top a couple years ago and this matching wrap skirt...

Sessions: Kelley’s Maternity + Family

An off-the-beaten-path location in our backyard lagoon with 3 paddle boards, 1 kayak, 4 adults, 2 dogs, 1 toddler, and...
Meet Photography

Meet Aidan King

UH Mānoa college student, intern, big brother, and football fanatic - sharing his passions, goals, and his definition of the...

New notebook

Trying to draw/paint/sketch more the next couple of weeks

Woke up to this rainbow

Gleaming outside the window. This pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a blue lagoon. Do you...

Hangin' with Libre at Gabby's house.

SESSIONS: Suli Sataua Slays Prom 2017

Suli Sataua slayed in her prom dress! Her senior prom theme: fire and ice. But no doubt, when she mixes...

View from our Thursday yoga seshes in Utulei

Fagatogo Iseula O Le Moana III


The trash we picked up on the beach and along the way back. Excited for another year taking on the...

A visit to Jean P. Haydon Museum in American Samoa

A day off work and a cruise ship in town, so we decided to play tourist and finally visit our...

Sorry, another one bc I’m kinda obsessed with this


LIFE: Summer Date Night

Friday night "you me, me you" time with my favorite person in the world. Now that we're mobile, we can...