Jun 14, 2018Moments


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Flight over Raiatea

In-flight photos on the way to Raiatea, summer 2019

A pensive Officer Scruffles

Culture Lifestyle

Surf Session Post Cyclone Gita

A calm little sunset session. The boys surfing at Pua Trees a couple of days after Cyclone Gita.

INTERNET IS UP – I’m Back! (Post Cyclone Gita Updates)

Hello again 21st century world! The Internet is back up and I'm so thankful to have all my basic necessities...

How To Pack for New Zealand (2 weeks in December)

What I packed for my travels through New Zealand’s summer season.

Cyclone Gita Aftermath

Cyclone Gita impacted our shores early Friday morning on February 9th. A cyclone watch was issued just the day before,...

The day we picked up the charter boat in FP

MEET: Beard and Curly

It takes guts to quit your job and travel the world. How do people do it? Let's ask Beard and...

Mt. Matafao. My current favorite landscape photo. Isn't it just so majestic?

some snaps Ian took on the day I got my new camera (!)
Photo Diaries Photography

The prettiest moonset

A recent favorite I snapped late one night in early March of this memorable night scene.. It was the prettiest...
Moments Travel

Motu Mahaea (Taha’a): French Polynesia Photo Journals

Photo journal from this idyllic motu (island) just off Taha'a on July 1, 2019. We sailed there and anchored in...

This time last year

Our trip to Samoa. And in less than a week, we're going back!

Labadan Wedding

A short and sweet wedding. The bride and groom are now happily married with a baby on the way. Congratulations...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 7/52: What I’m Stressed About

It’s the beginning of a New Year, so there are loads of pressures that come with change and a new...


Details from Ian's barong, made just for him.

Life Lately: I revamped my site / in a creative rut

Changed things up on my site, working through a creative rut, and a quick sustainability update. Not much, but this...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries Sustainable Living

Week 1 Recap of Plastic Free July

I'm here to keep myself accountable as I said I would... so here's a recap of my week 1 doing...

DIY easy sew wrap top using a pattern

Stay home, drink water, and make your own clothes️. Stoked on the newest addition to my slow fashion wardrobe, this...
Moments Photo Diaries

Film strip moments today

Grateful to be working from home. The rain on the mountains. Officer Scruffles' all cozy. These film strip moments.