Feb 23, 2019Moments

You learn something new every day, and today I learned that there’s a compass on my iPhone.

We’re hunkering down yet again for another bout of crummy weather, and it’s absolutely relevant which direction the wind and rain is gonna be coming from. Our window panes suck. But having a meteorologist friend is pretty cool.



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summer memories

last summer with Gabby
Lifestyle Travel

From To’aga Road to Asaga Strait | Ofu Photo Journal

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Photo Diaries

Happy Hour at Home

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Pacific Roots Open Mic #14

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Dolphins + Evidence of Climate Change

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Currently; Nostalgic

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I miss weekends on the SV Tipsea. It was never our sailboat, but it always felt a little bit like...

More Show, Less Tell

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Culture Photography

Pacific Roots Open Mic #19 — August 2020

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Life Lately: Weekend Blurb

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MEET: Beard and Curly

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Captain Relly

Lifestyle Motherhood

Underwater Mama

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