Jun 8, 2019Moments

Post-snorkel stoke at Fagatele Bay with Claire and Lee Ellen


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Meet Photography

French Pirates

Meet Diane and Louise. French pirates (not really really) and BFFs who are currently volunteering at the National Park of...

A Lazy Flag Day for Me

Flag Day is a day of cultural performances for government employees and visiting dignitaries. American Samoa dependence day, and my...
Journal Lifestyle

Life Lately: Let Me Upgrade You

Hello hello! It's been a verrrry long while since I've sat down to ramble and write out my life lately...

Mt. Matafao. My current favorite landscape photo. Isn't it just so majestic?

Date night ready



Mood Board

Inspiration in the midst of chaos

Life has been busy, and there has been some moments of reprieve, surely. BUT it's about to get a lot...

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 1

Part 1: Spontaneously decided to take a drive around the island in the back of the truck… because if you...

It's not all black and white

Last month, hiking down to Fagatele Bay for work with Claire, Lee Ellen, our very own Maui, who shared some...

good friends are hard to find

Love, Husband

In love with my husband.

throwback to me and Ian on these steps to nowhere in Puerto Rico. Taken by Eli K.

More Show, Less Tell

"My vibe right now is just living life" Made this top a couple years ago and this matching wrap skirt...

Captain Relly


High tide this morning
Photo Diaries Photography

The prettiest moonset

A recent favorite I snapped late one night in early March of this memorable night scene.. It was the prettiest...
Mood Board

Mood Board

I'm starting a new category on my website, filed under "Mood Board", where I will be sharing things from around...

la best fren's first time checking out our outdoor shower. We spent our work lunch hour going for a dip......
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Keep calm and stay 6 feet away

How to keep calm and socially distant... eat, get fresh air, go for a drive, use a face mask, buy...