Conus litteratus

Jun 14, 2020Create

She lives and loves by the ocean, carefully choosing her treasures amongst all the pretty things nature has forged with the waves.

Art imitating life ~ Can’t wait to hang up this pretty thing.


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Lovin’ on the hour

Create Lifestyle

How I make Iced Matcha Turmeric Latte at home

This iced matcha turmeric latte is perfect for if you're working from home, are quarantined/ social distancing, or if you...

Morning coffee on the At Last


Easy ways to move your body when you feel lazy

Do leg lifts while lying in bed staring at your phone Suck your tummy in and take deep breaths Sway...
Culture Lifestyle Moments

Palolo in American Samoa 2019

Stayed up til 3am waiting for palolo at Fatumafuti. Some people got lucky but we left the shore with empty...
Lifestyle Travel

Passing through Olosega

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Fun “Office” Day at Fagatele Bay

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Halloween 2020

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Moments Photo Diaries

friday evening in 10 seconds



1st PROM Showcase Art + Prep

BTS the evening before the 1st Pacific Roots Open Mic (PROM) Showcase from back in Octoboer.

Teuila vibes

Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Living proof in the tropics

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Lifestyle Travel

EV Nautilus Photo Journal Pt. 2 | Deep Sea Exploration in American Samoa

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Things I’m Grateful For Today

This giant clam shell still intact. The glow of sunlight through the windows in the studio. The mangroves in the...

Actually though…

ok good night! (image credit: Pinterest)
Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Catching Up with Myself

A lot has happened in just the last couple of months, and can you believe that it’s the end of...

Beach camp vibes


My bf, the fish

Photo by: Valentine Vaeoso