Conus litteratus

Jun 14, 2020Create

She lives and loves by the ocean, carefully choosing her treasures amongst all the pretty things nature has forged with the waves.

Art imitating life ~ Can’t wait to hang up this pretty thing.


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Fun “Office” Day at Fagatele Bay

A fun "office" day at Fagatele Bay with the NMSAS science team. I absoltely love when I'm able to get...
Photo Diaries

Tide Gauge

Took some photos of Ian installing a tide gauge in the Ofu lagoon. I love watching my man in action.

birthday boy brunch

for our special guy. Thanks to Georgia and Taylor for hosting us!  

Lavalava life

Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Fine Tuning my Inner Hippie

Modern day hippie life and health. Drinking matcha green tea and taking marine collagen supplements daily, plus deodorant detoxing -...

Dinner on the SV Robert C. Seaman with Captain Cassie

Having the best night

I love feeling like I'm falling in love all over again. Ian's been extra sweet on me these last few...
Lifestyle Travel

Visiting friends in Oceanside

Our quick weekend trip visiting friends in Oceanside, California. Catching up with our previous AmSam neighbors over food, at the...
Lifestyle Travel

Sailing again and getting seasick

Round 2 of sailing adventures in California! A sunny day out at King Harbor Marina, catching good wind and then...
Meet Photography

MEET: Kau‘ilani Misipeka

Loves her family, turtles, and staying active — and shares what a typical day looks like for her at Coconut...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Life Lately: a lengthy one, but a good one

Six years with my soon-to-be-husband, new camera lens, work work work, making my own clothes, Ian's new board rack, and...

Life Lately: Mid-September

Can you believe it's already mid-September?! I'm learning to live slow and focus myself on my priorities. This is my life...

Fagalua camping with my girls


American Samoa's first TEDx talks on Tuesday, October 1st 2019. Big thanks to Samu's Ice Cream for sponsoring me and...

1st PROM Showcase Art + Prep

BTS the evening before the 1st Pacific Roots Open Mic (PROM) Showcase from back in Octoboer.

Mt. Matafao. My current favorite landscape photo. Isn't it just so majestic?

FOR LEMAX CO. — Shopping in Style

Photos for LeMax Co. — a little look at some of the styles you can find in the shop with...

Creature of comfort
Journal Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Weekend Reel — Paddling in the Lagoon

It was a sunny day in mid-May. I had gotten up early and was feeling restless. I cleared the drying...

Night sparkles

Last summer