Aug 4, 2019Moments

I need to start taking myself seriously. A balancing act between passion and focus.


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Lifestyle Moments

Coco’s Picnic Party

Cheers to Colette! Styled this little picnic party with a couple girlfriends to celebrate Coco's birthday. The night air was...

Aunty Files: Babysitting

My entire week in Arizona was mostly spent babysitting these cuties. Finally bonding over a longer period of time so...

Cat out of the closet

Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Fine Tuning my Inner Hippie

Modern day hippie life and health. Drinking matcha green tea and taking marine collagen supplements daily, plus deodorant detoxing -...

Actually though…

ok good night! (image credit: Pinterest)

Mt. Pioa also known as "Rainmaker" - September 21, 2019
Create Meet

MEET Wayanna Batik

Meet Wayan and Anna, together they make Wayanna Batik! I met this wonderful pair in Ubud, Bali. Wayan is the...

yesterday we went out on the boat for the annual whale surveys conducted by Dr. Jooke and Dave Mattila. Unfortunately...

Valentine’s Day Date Night

Did a really fancy dinner on valentines and ate soooo much seafood! Aren't we cute? Lol you can say no

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Sunset picnic at the park in Raiatea

Our first night in Raiatea. We had just flown in, got a car rental, checked in to our homestay, got...

New notebook

Trying to draw/paint/sketch more the next couple of weeks

kinda gives me the heebie jeebies!


"Quiet doesn’t need to mean boring or unfulfilling, it doesn’t show that you’re any less hard working or any less...

Me and Yodi girl rolling around cuddling; from two or three months ago?? I don't remember but I got a...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Celebrating my birthday in quarantine, social distancing outdoor movie night with friends

I never would've imagined I'd have a social distancing/ pandemic/ quarantine themed birthday but such is life! Outdoor movie night...

Morning cat naps

I woke up early this morning and Officer just jumped into bed after a night of chasing lizards... so we...

Got home this evening and found myself feeling stuck. I'm not entirely sure why, because I'm actually looking forward to...
Lifestyle Travel

Guest post: Ian’s trip to Ofu, Manu`a

This is Ian, and I'll be doing my very first guest appearance on Relli's epic blog! Inside look at Toaga...


The man of my dreams just turned 29 ✨ Love to love you, old man baby boy.