Sep 1, 2021Moments

Me and Yodi girl rolling around cuddling; from two or three months ago?? I don’t remember but I got a bunch of cute random photos from Gabby the other night and I wanted to file it under Moments.

pc: Gabby


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Living proof in the tropics

A throwback to an undeniably gorgeous day in Tutuila. My new yellow LifeProof FRĒ case arrived in the mail and...

Having the best night

I love feeling like I'm falling in love all over again. Ian's been extra sweet on me these last few...
Journal Moments

Snaps: Aunu`u

Green and blue scenes around Aunu`u island. Snapped while on a work site visit in August 2019.

FOR LEMAX CO. — Shopping in Style

Photos for LeMax Co. — a little look at some of the styles you can find in the shop with...

Life Lately: January at Home

January has come and gone. But here we are - taking life day by day and toasting still to the...
Lifestyle Travel

Auckland Travel Journal

Three days of misadventures in Auckland with my photogenic fiance... Basically just a long layover until our next trip to...

Sunset picnic at the park in Raiatea

Our first night in Raiatea. We had just flown in, got a car rental, checked in to our homestay, got...

A throwback to January 1st, 2018. Waking up at Matareva Beach Fale.
Lifestyle Moments

How are you?

Hi hello how are ya? But no really... how are you doing? Hanging in there? To be honest, I've been...
Culture Lifestyle Travel

Photo Diary: Aunu’u Getaway

Aunu’u is a quiet little island just 15 minutes away by ‘alia. Thank you to Peter Taliva'a for welcoming us...
Create Lifestyle

My website has a new look!

It's taken me ages to design something that I feel is representative of my aesthetic, and I'm excited to share...

hi hello how are you
Photo Diaries

Happy Hour at Home

Happy hour coconut bevvies and card games with the love of my life.

Hallway shelfie

Little bits and bobs in the hallway that make me happy
Create Sustainable Living

Upcycling scrap fabric for closet portière

Now that our home office is set up, I wanted to hide all our junk in the closet, so I...

I’m a LifeProof Ambassador!

Remember how I lost my phone at the Nu'uuli waterfall? Well, I posted about it on instagram and tagged LifeProof......
Lifestyle Travel

Passing through Olosega

Olosega is part of the Manu'a group separated from Ofu island by the Asaga Strait. We admired the view of...

Weekend brunching


Another busy weekend, but it's the last busy one for a tiny little bit while we vacation in French Polynesia!!!...
Create Sustainable Living

CREATE: DIY Natural Turmeric Dye at Home

How I made a DIY natural dye at home using turmeric powder, water and vinegar on an old off-white linen...