Sep 1, 2021Moments


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Got home this evening and found myself feeling stuck. I'm not entirely sure why, because I'm actually looking forward to...

How I lost my phone at Nu’uuli waterfall

I went to Nu'uuli waterfall over the weekend with some friends and brought Yodi along too. It was going to be...
Lifestyle Travel

Packing Light for a Long Weekend (in Samoa)

Preparing for a weekend escape to Samoa with a list of things to bring and absolute essentials for packing light...

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Create Lifestyle Sustainable Living

CREATE: DIY Natural Organic Deodorant

My mom always told me, simplicity is beauty. And after all these years, I’m applying that nugget of wisdom to...
Lifestyle Moments

You can see all the islands from up here!

Well not all of them, but we saw Upolu and Savaii, Ofu and Ta`u. This was our first day as...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Safe in American Samoa’s closed borders

I've lost track of what day we're in since quarantine began... let's see, it's been 5 weeks since we closed...

Mostly blurry shots from the Nikonos underwater film camera we used while we were in Ofu, but some great memories!...

Coconuts and Jenga – Ofu Evenings

My days in Ofu are usually spent on the beach, biking through To'aga, or hiking Mt. Tumu. But the evenings...

Views from an evening seawall stroll with my hubba. July 25, 2021
Lifestyle Moments

Website is back up!!

Oh. My. God. Finally. My website somehow got hacked and was infected with malware and phishing codes (?!) and thus...

Sunset dates out west

We love spontaneous date nights around the island. I don't always take my camera on date nights, but when I...

Photo Diary: Auckland

Traveling photo diary in the "City of Sails" Auckland, New Zealand. Good vibes, our beautiful AirBnB coffee, brews, and the...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Calm before the storm

This was the calm before the storm... but the storm never came. Thank God! We enjoyed a really pretty sunset.

Bluesky’s 20th birthday bash

Utulei Beach Park, American Samoa.
Culture Photography

Pacific Roots Open Mic #19 — August 2020

Photos from the Pacific Roots Open Mic (PROM) at Sadies by the Sea in August — made possible by local...
Culture Travel

Tui Ofu Well

Not far from the beach is an ancient historic village that's spanned over three millenniums. And there, you'll find the...

LIFE: Scuba diving Hole in the Reef and travel plans

Scuba diving at Hole in the Reef, and my BCD broke!! Summer 2017 travel has been booked. And hosting travel...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 7/52: What I’m Stressed About

It’s the beginning of a New Year, so there are loads of pressures that come with change and a new...
Lifestyle Travel

Upolu Travel Journal

Oh Samoa! Living on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific--complete with bananas and coconuts galore--you'd think that...