Life Lately: Catching Up with Myself

Dec 13, 2018Lifestyle, Moments

Wow. You guys. It has been absolutely forever since I last blogged or even just sat with my laptop to peruse the world wide web. I was using my personal laptop for work a lot (I was working as a consultant for the last 2 months) so whenever I was on my laptop I was basically just working away like a busy bee; and when I wasn’t working, I just wanted to chill out so hard. So that’s what I did during my downtime. I chilled. Or tried to… I also cleaned a lot. And worked on a slew of crafts. Oh my god, and I gardened a lot. I kind of turned into an obsessed plant lady for a solid 2 weeks. Not that I have a green thumb or anything. I just became really thrilled by plants, and plant pots (which, who knew, are kinda expensive!) and propagating my plants, and learning how to not kill them. But I digress. As I was saying, I usually blog on my laptop… and that’s the story of what I’ve been doing lately with my downtime. Because you needed to know.

But ANYWAY. Now that I’ve *mostly* chilled out, and settled into my new gig (more on that later), I’m back! 

A lot has happened in just the last couple of months, and can you believe that it’s the end of 2018 already?! It’s nuts. The weather has been up and down the thermometer and so have my moods, but as soon as I’m done typing this up, I’m going to take a deep long sleep, get out of my head, do a little yoga, and remind myself of all that I’m grateful for… 

Like this beautiful overcast Sunday afternoon when the tide was right, the water was becalmed, and Yodi joined us on the SUP then jumped back in the ocean because she knew Ian was trying to get her to go surfing but she wasn’t having it. She watched Ian catch a couple waves with a big smile on her face though and then swam back in with us. A dreamy reminder that this life is amazing and it’s all about perspective.



Now for the updates: the gist of it is that I’ve been transitioning into a new job, which I’m stoked on. It took a while to get my security clearance all done and dusted, which is why I was working as a consultant for the past 2 months, while waiting for paperwork to make its way up the chain. But as of this week, I can now officially say that I’m working as the Communications and Outreach Coordinator for the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa! The job itself is great so far (it suits me well I think) and the people I work with are all wonderful and helpful. I’m really excited to have started together with my good friend Charity (who’s practically a sister to me on account of her and my sister being best friends), and being able to carpool and hang more often with my neighbor/friend Mareike; I’m happy to be surrounded by good peeps. And I finally have my own desk! Well, it’s a cubicle but I never really liked the word cubicle. I’m hoping to decorate it since it’s the holiday season (like, why not) and blast some Christmas tunes to bop to. I already got my yoga ball set up for ergonomics and now I feel like I’m working at Google or something. 

Well those are the condensed updates for my life lately! Thanks for reading and catching up with me. Till next time xoxo


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