Jun 7, 2019Moments

TGI Flotilla Friday


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Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Fine Tuning my Inner Hippie

Modern day hippie life and health. Drinking matcha green tea and taking marine collagen supplements daily, plus deodorant detoxing -...
Moments Photo Diaries

Double Rainbows

More living in the present, while still documenting and appreciating the journey along the way. This one makes me smile...

Sessions: The Lelauti Family

My favorite sessions are always on the beach, and this was no exception. Photo shoot with the Lelauti family at...

Old journals

They make me feel so many emotions. Emotions that I didn't even realize I felt at the time of writing...

Climate Change is not just an issue that is happening to us, it’s happening because of us. 

A Letter to You, the Reader

Thank you. Whoever you are, wherever you may be. I am thankful for your presence here and the time you...

It's not all black and white
Lifestyle Wedding

We toured 7 wedding venues in Samoa. Which should I choose?!

Ooh, look at me blogging about wedding planning! I'm surprisingly really enjoying the process so far. But now to choose...

Views from an evening seawall stroll with my hubba. July 25, 2021

Breakfast and lunch today.
Lifestyle Travel

Passing through Olosega

Olosega is part of the Manu'a group separated from Ofu island by the Asaga Strait. We admired the view of...
Journal Moments

Where I Get It From (Mom and Dad)

Now that I'm moderately older—nearly 30, wow—I can see it more clearly.  The small things that add up. The parts...

We Painted the Fridge Blue

Productive Saturday - a moody sunrise, a couple hours of work, impromptu home improvement projects... oh, and we painted our...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Burnt out but still going

Been a hottt lil minute since I had a chance to get on here and share a life update. BURNT...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Pondering on Paper

...outside in nature. I love soaking up the ambient sounds of home. I will forever love this backyard. * turn...

sunday brunch

Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Sunday Lazies

We are geezers, I'm tellin' ya! We went out to Flying Fox on Saturday night, and did some karaoke at...


Jessica at the Bluesky birthday bash / concert at Utulei Beach Park.July 20, 2019.

the wise honest ship from north korea still sitting in the harbor