Oct 6, 2019Moments

the wise honest ship from north korea still sitting in the harbor


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What a lovely thing it is to write freely and without consequence
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Snorkeling; Two Pipefish and A Blenny

Sharing some photos from when Ian and I went snorkeling in the front yard last week. March 23, 2021 -...
Photo Diaries

Photo Journal: January in LA

Random snaps from my first week of 2020 in Los Angeles.
Photo Diaries

Reasons why I need to wake up early more often

Reasons why I need to wake up early more often. The way the mist envelopes Matafao. The reflection of the...

sleepy animals


Handmade by the senior citizens of American Samoa at the TAOA center

Moments Travel

AmSam crew in Hawaii

Met up with some of our AmSam friends during our layover in Hawai’i. I love that our connection to our...


Don’t Litter


Got all these beautiful LifeProof goodies on the mail, and a radddd backpack!! So so stoked

You are drowning yourself by overthinking everything. The next time you find yourself overthinking or beating yourself over something, picture...

Lifestyle Moments

Backyard bonfire

Bonfire, ava, and food.Hangin' with our community of neighbors and our pups last Sunday in the backyard.Good vibes all around.
Lifestyle Photo Diaries Sustainable Living

Week 1 Recap of Plastic Free July

I'm here to keep myself accountable as I said I would... so here's a recap of my week 1 doing...
Lifestyle Travel

Visiting friends in Oceanside

Our quick weekend trip visiting friends in Oceanside, California. Catching up with our previous AmSam neighbors over food, at the...
Photo Diaries Travel

What I’m looking forward to in the near future

Do you ever get so excited for a trip you can barely sleep in the nights leading up to your...
Lifestyle Travel

Snorkeling in Ofu | Part 3

A late addition, but I almost completely forgot about these photos I snapped on my last day in Ofu. Taken...

throwback to me and Ian on these steps to nowhere in Puerto Rico. Taken by Eli K.

Life Lately: Mid-September

Can you believe it's already mid-September?! I'm learning to live slow and focus myself on my priorities. This is my life...

Yodi’s Waterfall Adventure

Yodi has always been comfortable in the water. Since she was a pup, she's grown up playing in the ocean....