Oct 15, 2019Moments

Bless Monday holidays. Exploring my home like a tourist because all the shops and the museum are actually open on my day off!


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Create Moments Photo Diaries

Rummaging through the archives

I'm searching through my archives this weekend for fine art photos that I can use to sell prints of in...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Moonrise Over the Ocean

The neighborhood dogs are howling into the night, echoing each other without a pause, as I walk over the freshly...

Hallway shelfie

Little bits and bobs in the hallway that make me happy
Lifestyle Moments

Green Goodness

Re-growing green onions in water. Staying hyped up and motivated with matcha green tea.

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 2

Part 2: Even though we live on a tiny island where road trips are not really a thing, it's still...
Journal Lifestyle

Diary of an Aunty: Summer 2018

Oh my goodness time flies and these cuties just get cuter! I am so incredibly blessed to have the chance...

Vibin’ out to my e-book

Create Lifestyle Wedding

Homemade Wedding Table (Progress Pics)

In the weeks leading up to our mini home wedding, we decided to DIY this 10-foot wooden table for our...

Today's treats at Ruby Red Cafe... chia seed pudding and overnight oats topped with sooo much goodness! I'm here every...

How To Pack for New Zealand (2 weeks in December)

What I packed for my travels through New Zealand’s summer season.

What a rocker of a week. Cyclone season 2020 is really putting us through a loop.

what mondays feel like

Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Balance and making time to blog for myself

I'm here and there these days. Lots of busy-ness, even in this small island life. Looked through some old posts...
Journal Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Amouli Beach Camping (and Journaling)

I haven't gone camping on island since we came back earlier this year, so I was an immediate 'yes' when...

I thought this was funny because I was taking an instagram story when suddenly Ian comes over and picks me...

Daily dive



New Monday, back to the grind. Feeling a bit more "me" in my workspace.

Flight over Raiatea

In-flight photos on the way to Raiatea, summer 2019


"Quiet doesn’t need to mean boring or unfulfilling, it doesn’t show that you’re any less hard working or any less...
Culture Lifestyle Meet

Listen: What is Coconut Mutts?

A podcast interview with Kelsey Johnson, who fell head over paws in American Samoa and founded Coconut Mutts to improve...