WE MOVED! First week in California

This pacific island girl has moved to the California coast! And my life looks wildly different than it did last year. Heck, it's a stark contrast from my life just a few months ago. Some big milestones and life goals were met -- wowowee -- and there are even bigger...

AmSam crew in Hawaii

Met up with some of our AmSam friends during our layover in Hawai’i. I love that our connection to our AmSam crew is so strong because of our shared experiences in Samoa. Time and space may have separated us over the years but we’ve had such an amazing community, and...

Life Lately: 5 months of change and evolution

Helloooo there. It's meeeee. Nerelleeeee. It has been a hoot of a while — and I have missed this space of mine to document my ever-changing life, romanticizing it in a way, and to express my gratitudes in words and images. A summary of the most inexplicably changing...

Underwater Mama

Black and white edits of some maternity pics that Ian shot of me at almost 32 weeks pregnant with Alava. And some random color edits I liked as well of most of the same pics.

Coconut Point sunrise with Alava

It felt so good to be back home. Everything was just as it was. Except it wasn't. Same same but different. Coconut Point. Sunrise. Me and Ian. Different how? We have been joined by our sweet darling baby Alava. We moved out of our place at Coconut Point, the cutest...
Flight to LA

Flight to LA

I am never not taking photos out the window whenever I fly/travel. Pics from my iPhone camera roll December 7, 2021.

The first taste of travel

The first taste of travel

I'm a pisces, and I guess one of the traits my star sign is known for is that pisces can sometimes be escapists. I suppose in this way, I am in constant need of a break, a vacation, a sort of temporary sanctum to let my soul rest and reset. Two years of this pandemic...

Last night at home for a while

Last night at home for a while

In 24 hours I'll be on a plane... Up up and away from home after 2 years since COVID canceled all my travel plans indefinitely. Everyone keeps asking "are you ready?" and "are you excited?" and I'm like hmmm, yes and no to both. I'm beyond excited to finally go on...

How are you?

How are you?

Hi hello how are ya? But no really... how are you doing? Hanging in there? To be honest, I've been struggling to maintain a good head space. The last couple of months have felt really chaotic, I have had very little motivation and yet somehow I've been super...