
Jan 27, 2020Moments

New Monday, back to the grind. Feeling a bit more “me” in my workspace.


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Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Burnt out but still going

Been a hottt lil minute since I had a chance to get on here and share a life update. BURNT...
Create Lifestyle Wedding

Homemade Wedding Table (Progress Pics)

In the weeks leading up to our mini home wedding, we decided to DIY this 10-foot wooden table for our...

Off season in Rincon | Puerto Rico Travel Diary

There isn't much to do in Rincon, Puerto Rico during the low season. So we enjoyed a quiet escape in...

Blanket hog

like a pig in a blanket by which I mean he actually hogs all the covers and I wake up...

Sleepy animals

on the balcony

New Mamas Pregnancy Must Haves For Every Trimester

Congratulations to all you mamas out there! This list is one I've compiled for myself as a new mama, and...
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Preparing for #PlasticFreeJuly

One of my goals for 2018 was to strive for a zero waste lifestyle, and I’ve accepted the challenge to...

New Zealand: Our Cozy North Shore AirBnB

Just about fell in love with the entire NZ north shore because of all the little tidbits of good homey...
Photo Diaries Photography

The prettiest moonset

A recent favorite I snapped late one night in early March of this memorable night scene.. It was the prettiest...

Desert Rose

Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Photo documenting the silver linings of my life in the time of COVID

Despite the harsh reality of what's happening around the world, these little snippets are my silver linings that keep me...

Saturday 2.24.18

Right before snorkeling at Gataivai
Lifestyle Travel

Snorkeling in Ofu | Part 3

A late addition, but I almost completely forgot about these photos I snapped on my last day in Ofu. Taken...

Where we stayed in Ubud

This home in Ubud has everything you’d want in a vacation home and more. Our luxurious private pool villa we...

Babe’s back!

Photo Diaries

Fam in jammies, a Christmas Eve photo journal

Beyond the lights, the decorations, the music, and the presents, it's FAMILY that makes this day so special to me. Sharing...
Culture Lifestyle

Surf Session Post Cyclone Gita

A calm little sunset session. The boys surfing at Pua Trees a couple of days after Cyclone Gita.

Blue skies are back melting gray clouds away Warmth settling on my skin It's a brand new day   (Took...
Create Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Zero Waste Kit for Beginners

Have you heard of Zero Waste? There are a lot of reasons to consider going zero waste. For me, it’s...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Sleepy sleepy

On Sunday morning, I felt so fatigued from the DIY project my husband and I started the day before; but...