
Jan 27, 2020Moments

New Monday, back to the grind. Feeling a bit more “me” in my workspace.


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It's the heart in the sky for me.

I do believe in an everyday sort of magic – the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

This rainy day is temporary

This rainy day is temporary The contrast is why we got ’em ‘Cause sunshine due is just a cloud away......
Lifestyle Travel

Bike Riding at To’aga + Sunu’itao Peak | Ofu Photo Journal

By far the best way to get around Ofu is by bike - lush greens on both sides of the...

the wise honest ship from north korea still sitting in the harbor
Moments Motherhood

Babymoon camera roll

I’m reliving these precious moments and memories from my babymoon. Slowing down the pace, and breathing in, and out. Letting...

Brown leaves

Is my vibe these days

Labadan Wedding

A short and sweet wedding. The bride and groom are now happily married with a baby on the way. Congratulations...


Ian rescued this super sweet pup that was stuck in a river and she's so cute, she reminds me of...

DDW Breakfast with Gabs

After the beach gathering in honor of Gabs' film mentor, Gabby and I went over to DDW to grab an...
Create Sustainable Living

DIY Beeswax Wraps ft. Alafaga

It's 2019 and I’m still committed to making steady strides in sustainable living. Enter Beeswax fabric wraps, a DIY project...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries Sustainable Living

Week 1 Recap of Plastic Free July

I'm here to keep myself accountable as I said I would... so here's a recap of my week 1 doing...

la best fren's first time checking out our outdoor shower. We spent our work lunch hour going for a dip......

You are drowning yourself by overthinking everything. The next time you find yourself overthinking or beating yourself over something, picture...

me painting, taken by ian. ian hanging up the painting, taken by me.

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,...
Journal Moments

Coconut Cottage

Puerto Rico rules

Fagalua camping with my girls

Random pic I took of Gabs in her backyard sometime last year 2022. Such a mood.