
Dec 6, 2018Moments

Been a bit obsessed with my plants lately. Trying to experiment with propagation of my sansevieria, golden pothos, and that sad but willful monstera deliciosa. Fills my wee heart with joy.


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Life Lately: Mid-September

Can you believe it's already mid-September?! I'm learning to live slow and focus myself on my priorities. This is my life...

Mt. Pioa also known as "Rainmaker" - September 21, 2019
Photo Diaries

Se’etaga beach

Showed up a bit early on location for a session with Charity and Mee Rae, so hung out for a...

Jones Turns One

Oh Jones. It's always such a wonder when you see a kid go from your friend's baby bump to a...

Ian-credibly Blue

This lagoon and my hubbo looking sooo good in blue. Honeymoon Day 1 in Ofu

sabrina's birthday game night gang
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 4/52: View (and Perspectives)

From the inside looking out and vice versa. The view out my window is green and gray. And the mess...

Yay We Got Vaccinated!

So so so grateful for our Department of Health for rolling out the vaccines so quickly, smoothly, and efficiently, and...

Mt. Matafao. My current favorite landscape photo. Isn't it just so majestic?

It was about time to butter up the boards again
Photo Diaries Wedding

The Morning Of the Wedding

I wish I took more photos, but I swear, getting married - or more specifically, having a wedding - is...

Tiny waves and long weekends

I have been craaaaving days like these - bright skies and clear waters. I'm always more appreciative when I'm out...

me painting, taken by ian. ian hanging up the painting, taken by me.

Dive Log: Amalau Bay

Photo log of my first fun dive of the year at Amalau Bay, American Samoa! Giant porites coral, 5 ft...

9 to wine

Coming home from work and going in for dips with Yodi.

Matcha lattes, chicken sub, and mince and veg pie, mmMmm! Breakfast with Jabs by the marina. 7/27/2021

Earth Day Wave 2021

A throwback to Earth Day — April 2021

Getting Caught Up & Getting Away

Getting caught up with blogging; Scott visits me in American Samoa, and a weekend trip to Samoa. Life on the...

just a random-nothing-super-special photo of my room window sill, except I kinda love everything on there so it's pretty special

Sleepy animals

on the balcony