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Feb 3, 2019Moments

June 2018.

Filed under Moments.


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Things I’m Grateful For Today

This giant clam shell still intact. The glow of sunlight through the windows in the studio. The mangroves in the...

Document the moments you feel most in love with yourself - what you're wearing, who you're around, what you're doing....

Cheat Day

Do you really need one? Indulging in a Banana split sundae with Koko samoa brownie base, coffee and vanilla ice...

Ian caught this Dascyllus aruanus

at Coconut Point and here we're transporting it to the National Parks office for their new aquarium exhibit.

mom and dad đź’—
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Us at P.R.O.M.

Cutie couples pics to celebrate each other and all the amazing talent that will grace the stage.

What a lovely thing it is to write freely and without consequence

How I learned to be a better tourist

Pack smarter and lighter. Do a little research before the trip. Know when and when not to take photos. Treat...
Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Fine Tuning my Inner Hippie

Modern day hippie life and health. Drinking matcha green tea and taking marine collagen supplements daily, plus deodorant detoxing -...

what mondays feel like

Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Balance and making time to blog for myself

I'm here and there these days. Lots of busy-ness, even in this small island life. Looked through some old posts...
Lifestyle Travel

EV Nautilus Photo Journal Pt. 2 | Deep Sea Exploration in American Samoa

Part 2 of my photo journal on the E/V Nautilus research cruise in American Samoa. Deep sea science, remotely operated...

Sunset picnic at the park in Raiatea

Our first night in Raiatea. We had just flown in, got a car rental, checked in to our homestay, got...
Moments Photo Diaries Travel

Santa Monica, January 2020

Went to Santa Monica with Rick and Polly for our last weekend in California. The waves were mostly closing out,...
Photo Diaries Travel

Photo Journal: LACMA

Photo journal from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) with Ian, Polly, and Rick. January 2020.

Galentine notes

Feeling extra loved and inspired after finding these sweet notes my girl gang wrote to me on Galentines 
Journal Lifestyle

Diary of an Aunty: Summer 2018

Oh my goodness time flies and these cuties just get cuter! I am so incredibly blessed to have the chance...
Photography Travel

Night Sky in Ofu-Olosega

An enchanting picture-perfect reminder of the magnificence and awe I feel every time I have the pleasure of staying in...

Creature of comfort

Sewing in the studio

Designing some new pieces. Trying to do math. Pulling out a an assortment of fabrics. Measuring if I have enough...