Visit with a Kingfisher | Ofu Photo Journal

Dec 30, 2018Lifestyle, Travel

Just a few minutes after landing at Ofu, we meet Jamie and Holly from the Institute of Bird Populations (IBP). They’re surveying bird populations on Ofu and just so happened to be at the lodge to pick up a parcel that our neighbor asked us to bring over from Tutuila. They invited us over to check out a kingfisher with an eye injury that they were rehabilitating back to health. The little airplane that carried us to Ofu had already flown away, and we drove down the sandy road beside the airstrip to Ofu village where the girls were living for the past few months. I snapped admiringly at the the view of Ofu from the backseat of the truck. The kingfisher was in their care for just the last 24 hours and it was making steady improvements but after taking him outside, it was decided he needed more TLC and wasn’t ready to take off back into the wild just yet.

Thanks Jamie and Holly for showing us your awesome work!


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