Feb 18, 2020Moments

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throwback to me and Ian on these steps to nowhere in Puerto Rico. Taken by Eli K.

Life Lately: Weekend Blurb

Weekend blurbs and random thoughts... Who sings this? Ian at Rose Atoll. I don't have my camera right now. Midnight...
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Fagatogo Fish Market – Street Photography

I braved the stares from strangers and brought my camera with me on errands... first stop, the Fagatogo Fish Market!
Mood Board

You are the greatest project you will ever work on

I put this lil mood board together when I was in a funk about a month ago. I clearly haven't...

INTERNET IS UP – I’m Back! (Post Cyclone Gita Updates)

Hello again 21st century world! The Internet is back up and I'm so thankful to have all my basic necessities...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Living proof in the tropics

A throwback to an undeniably gorgeous day in Tutuila. My new yellow LifeProof FRĒ case arrived in the mail and...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 4/52: View (and Perspectives)

From the inside looking out and vice versa. The view out my window is green and gray. And the mess...

thirsty for more days like these

Today at work #sanctuaries
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Everything is Alive — Underwater Photo Diaries

Photography has been a great love of mine for as long as I can remember, but underwater photography is a...
Culture Travel

Tui Ofu Well

Not far from the beach is an ancient historic village that's spanned over three millenniums. And there, you'll find the...


Every day is Earth Day! Which is why I wanted to share some things I’m doing as I progress towards...
Photo Diaries

Pua Trees surf sesh

Surf shot last year July 2019, just after our research cruise on the E/V Nautilus. Ian and Jessica charging at...

Reading: Amber Mozo’s Chasing Light

An impassioned compilation of Amber Mozo's travels around the world several years after her father's passing, guided by the light...
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Samu’s Ice Cream Shop – Street Photography

Now for the next stop, Samu's Ice Cream shop, where I brought my camera and shot these mostly candid photos.
Journal Lifestyle

Throwback Thursday: Remember MySpace surveys? 34 Q’s

Who remembers MySpace surveys?! I sure do, and I'm pretty sure that was the very subtle start of internet dating...
Culture Lifestyle

Animal weekend

I never really considered myself an “animal person”. I've had pets before, but this weekend I worked with animals in...
Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Fine Tuning my Inner Hippie

Modern day hippie life and health. Drinking matcha green tea and taking marine collagen supplements daily, plus deodorant detoxing -...
Lifestyle Motherhood Photo Diaries

Coconut Point sunrise with Alava

It felt so good to be back home. Everything was just as it was. Except it wasn't. Same same but...

Breakfast in Bed

I am definitely the luckiest woman — my husband surprised me with an early Valentine's day breakfast in bed! 🥰🥰🥰...