Adventures with Shivaun: Part 2

Jun 25, 2018Lifestyle

Even though we live on a tiny island where road trips are not really a thing, it’s still super fun to get on the road with friends and enjoy the ride.

This beauty.

me: “Look here!”

me: “Can you all stand up”

me: “Wacky one!”

*me: says nothing*

*everybody: shows their booty*

And then comes the awkward family photos…

And Shivaun dramatically portraying her departure from the island

We waited for the sun to go down and watched the lights slowly flicker on below us.

Love this human

We’re all from different places, backgrounds and experiences

but how cool is it that this little island brings us together like this

See Adventures with Shivaun: Part 1, where we drive west to Amanave.

Also, our Clothing Swap that morning was a lot of fun.


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