My guys

Jun 16, 2019Moments

My dad on tiptoes and my fiancé squatting 😂

Love these manly men! 🥰


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SESSIONS: Kelley & Alden (+1)

At 7 months pregnant, Kelley is still a bombshell in a lavalava. This hot mama and her handsome husband of...
Lifestyle Moments

How are you?

Hi hello how are ya? But no really... how are you doing? Hanging in there? To be honest, I've been...
Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Fine Tuning my Inner Hippie

Modern day hippie life and health. Drinking matcha green tea and taking marine collagen supplements daily, plus deodorant detoxing -...

Brown leaves

Is my vibe these days

Sunset streaming in through the front door, and a hungry Officer Scruffles meowing for dinner to be served. July 27,...

Much better

Woke up feeling so much better today! A little sore but I shook and stretched out the aches, and downed...
Lifestyle Travel

Documenting Underwater Field Work in Ta’u

Just wanted to share some photos from back in March, when I went to the Manu'a islands to document marine...
Culture Lifestyle

Animal weekend

I never really considered myself an “animal person”. I've had pets before, but this weekend I worked with animals in...

Excerpts from a Chill Christmas Eve

An excerpt of my Christmas Eve photo diary. Breakfast, north winds, advent gifts, chores, SUP with Yodi, groceries & gift wrap,...

Jessica at Utulei Beach. July 20, 2019.
Journal Lifestyle

Diary of an Aunty: Summer 2018

Oh my goodness time flies and these cuties just get cuter! I am so incredibly blessed to have the chance...

Summer’s coming

The tradewinds are calming down. It's bittersweet knowing that summer is on its way. I'll miss the breeze but I...

Looking surprisingly fresh today even after speed walking back to the hotel from the Papee'ete Marche and Tahiti Pearl Market...

Cueva Ventana | Puerto Rico Travel Diary

Some photos I snapped while on a walking tour of Cueva Ventana, or "Window Cave" in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

Life Lately: I revamped my site / in a creative rut

Changed things up on my site, working through a creative rut, and a quick sustainability update. Not much, but this...

Sunset shadows

A little evening light reprise, after many days of clouds.

Went diving this weekend

And so cool because at 72 minutes, it was my longest dive yet! We went with Hanae and JB (his...

View from our Thursday yoga seshes in Utulei
Lifestyle Moments

My home on the reef

My home on the reef. The tide was high and the sun was low in the horizon. One of those...
Culture Photography

Pacific Roots Open Mic #19 — August 2020

Photos from the Pacific Roots Open Mic (PROM) at Sadies by the Sea in August — made possible by local...