Aug 3, 2019Moments

Creature of comfort


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Create Moments Photo Diaries

Rummaging through the archives

I'm searching through my archives this weekend for fine art photos that I can use to sell prints of in...

pc: Gabby from our anniversary camping trip last year



Where we stayed in Ubud

This home in Ubud has everything you’d want in a vacation home and more. Our luxurious private pool villa we...

Breakfast in bed for my princely prince's birthday. His fave avocado toast with sriracha, scallions, and basil, and of course...
Lifestyle Travel

Guest post: Ian’s trip to Ofu, Manu`a

This is Ian, and I'll be doing my very first guest appearance on Relli's epic blog! Inside look at Toaga...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Snorkeling; Two Pipefish and A Blenny

Sharing some photos from when Ian and I went snorkeling in the front yard last week. March 23, 2021 -...

front facing camera... oh hi, it meee

Last night, I asked my neighbor's 7 year old daughter "T" if she remembered my name, and this is what...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Checking the Storm Swell

Ian and I drove out to the north side to check on the swells, which were supposed to be really...

The day we picked up the charter boat in FP

Dinner on the SV Robert C. Seaman with Captain Cassie
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Honeymoon Me in Ofu, by Ian

First day on honeymoon. Ian took some pics of me and using our new underwater camera! He's become really good...

Back in Tahiti and shopping for pearls

Back in Tahiti after our 5-day sailing adventure. Shopping at the Pape'ete Marche and the Tahiti Pearl Market, and catching...
Culture Lifestyle Moments

Palolo in American Samoa 2019

Stayed up til 3am waiting for palolo at Fatumafuti. Some people got lucky but we left the shore with empty...

A visit to Jean P. Haydon Museum in American Samoa

A day off work and a cruise ship in town, so we decided to play tourist and finally visit our...

Create Lifestyle Wedding

Homemade Wedding Table (Progress Pics)

In the weeks leading up to our mini home wedding, we decided to DIY this 10-foot wooden table for our...


American Samoa's first TEDx talks on Tuesday, October 1st 2019. Big thanks to Samu's Ice Cream for sponsoring me and...

some snaps Ian took on the day I got my new camera (!)