Oct 6, 2019Moments

the wise honest ship from north korea still sitting in the harbor


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Photo documenting the silver linings of my life in the time of COVID

Despite the harsh reality of what's happening around the world, these little snippets are my silver linings that keep me...
Photo Diaries Travel

Escape to Ofu-Olosega Travel diaries pt. 1

I'd been home on Tutuila for six months straight, and loving it, to be quite honest. But I was itching...

Liuasi and Sima

Got home this evening and found myself feeling stuck. I'm not entirely sure why, because I'm actually looking forward to...

Much better

Woke up feeling so much better today! A little sore but I shook and stretched out the aches, and downed...
Moments Travel

Places I Want To Go

Hoping, wishing, praying, manifesting... My most immediate places of interest are to visit LA and Phoenix to be reunited with...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 11/52: Current Playlist

It's been too long since I made a playlist. My iPod - which contained pretty much all my music was...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

A little sick but not worried

It's been a whole month since I started home quarantining, and I'm very relieved that we still do not have...
Lifestyle Moments

You can see all the islands from up here!

Well not all of them, but we saw Upolu and Savaii, Ofu and Ta`u. This was our first day as...

Life Lately: Weekend Blurb

Weekend blurbs and random thoughts... Who sings this? Ian at Rose Atoll. I don't have my camera right now. Midnight...

Summer’s coming

The tradewinds are calming down. It's bittersweet knowing that summer is on its way. I'll miss the breeze but I...
Photo Diaries

Code Blue activities

American Samoa is still under Code Blue, which means we have 0 confirmed cases of coronavirus. It also means that...

Photo Journal: Aqua Family

A sunny afternoon at Coconut Point with the whole gang, my aqua family.

Brown leaves

Is my vibe these days

Dinner on the SV Robert C. Seaman with Captain Cassie
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Us at P.R.O.M.

Cutie couples pics to celebrate each other and all the amazing talent that will grace the stage.

beaming babes from back in January during the gov shutdown

Charles at Fatu Ma Futi

A few weeks ago with Gabs and Charles — playing around with poses at Fatu Ma Futi right before we...

LIFE: This is MY Blog

Life is happening. I have been contemplating whether I should post my personal life stories on my blog, or whether...

Rainy Day cat naps