Jun 18, 2020Moments

me painting, taken by ian.

ian hanging up the painting, taken by me.


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Moments Photo Diaries

sunset, happy hour, dominoes

The sun finally peeking through all the gray from this week. Sunset, happy hour, and dominoes on the balcony with...
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

#PlasticFreeJuly – Week 1 Updates & Lessons Learned

It's #PlasticFreeJuly! Here's a review of my first 7 days into the challenge... some wins, some losses; and overall lessons...

la best fren's first time checking out our outdoor shower. We spent our work lunch hour going for a dip......

Library day

I can’t wait to take my kid to the library — I hope she likes reading like me and her...

Charles at Fatu Ma Futi

A few weeks ago with Gabs and Charles — playing around with poses at Fatu Ma Futi right before we...

Journal Lifestyle

Life Lately: My birthday, Ian’s home, Yodi’s heart worms, and Coronavirus

Everything has unfolded just so in the last few months since 2020 rolled around, and let me just say, what...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

On Waking Up For Sunrise

A quick note to self that I have got to do this more often... I always feel so much better...

Currently; Nostalgic

It's early... like, not even 8am early... and I don't usually get on my blog until later in the evenings...

Hallway shelfie

Little bits and bobs in the hallway that make me happy

Underwater Gataivai

A photo diary underwater in Gataivai
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Staying hydrated and moisturized

It’s 4pm, and my day’s been pretty good so far…I’m feeling much better. I did yoga. Got some work done....

Back in Tahiti and shopping for pearls

Back in Tahiti after our 5-day sailing adventure. Shopping at the Pape'ete Marche and the Tahiti Pearl Market, and catching...

High tide this morning
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Fagatogo Fish Market – Street Photography

I braved the stares from strangers and brought my camera with me on errands... first stop, the Fagatogo Fish Market!

LIFE: Scuba diving Hole in the Reef and travel plans

Scuba diving at Hole in the Reef, and my BCD broke!! Summer 2017 travel has been booked. And hosting travel...
Create Lifestyle

Baking is bananas

I'm back to eating carbs! Been lowkey craving banana coffee cake, so this is my first time attempt at baking....

Just the occasional phone photo dump…

Here's a pano from my last night in Ofu. Trying to finish up all my Ofu posts so bear with...
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

What Does a Sustainable Party Look Like?

Feast your eyes on this tropical zero waste party idea! An eco-friendly baby shower hosted by Alafaga and a band...

You. Me. We.

I can't wait for it to be us three. Throwback to my first trimester... I was actually not feeling great...