May 31, 2019Moments


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the wise honest ship from north korea still sitting in the harbor

Life Lately: Ill & Will

It’s been a hot minute. I fell ill, so that's my excuse. It's a brand spankin’ new year, it’s summertime...

Red skies at night, sailor's delight.

I miss weekends on the SV Tipsea. It was never our sailboat, but it always felt a little bit like...

Oh Starry Night

Something so serene about lying in the dark looking up at nature's night lights... We laid in the back of...

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Balancing a Long Weekend

The long weekend was a blessing in disguise. Journaling, sailboat sleepovers, and a little ocean therapy at Fogama'a Cove.
Create Sustainable Living

CREATE: DIY Natural Turmeric Dye at Home

How I made a DIY natural dye at home using turmeric powder, water and vinegar on an old off-white linen...

Life Lately: Destination Weddings mean Travel More

Two destination weddings in two weeks! Traveling soon, but here are some updates on my work life, personal life, and...
Create Sustainable Living

Upcycling scrap fabric for closet portière

Now that our home office is set up, I wanted to hide all our junk in the closet, so I...

The Treehouse

Where Ian and I first met, where we live, and where we got married. Feeling so much love.

Ian's got the best laugh
Create Lifestyle

4 easy tips for a sustainable home

A sustainable lifestly starts at home. These are just four little changes you can make at home that help reduce...
Lifestyle Moments

Aunu`u Get Into Your Sanctuary Day

Early August 2019 from a work event. Get Into Your Sanctuary Aunu`u Summer Fun Day. People and places.
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

LA Christmas prep

12.09.2021 — A few days after we arrived in Los Angeles, Ian and I got in the Christmas spirit. My...
Lifestyle Motherhood

Yes, I’m a Baby Mama

At this point, it's "old news" but since I've not been able to get on my blog for a long...

December Daily Journal Flip Through

I've just about officially moved into this Pocket Traveler's Notebook that Ian gifted me with on the 1st day of...

It's raining right now and I'm making a mental note to self that I need an outdoor shower in my...

sleepy animals


PHOTO DIARY: Aoloau Lights

A super cute night, all lit up with Christmas magic at Aoloau. I'm so glad that I'm not the only...